Thinking about getting iClone

in New Users
Hi all, do any of you have iClone and export Daz models to it? I read I need a tool called 3Dexchange to do so, and some kind of exporter in DS. Turns out it comes in several "Flavors" i/e standard, pro, pipeline, etc.. so which would I need..and please don't say the most expensive As I said though..just thinking about it anyways, because it sure looks like it requires a lot of pricey addons
if you only want to import into it the pro version of iClone and 3Xchange is sufficient.
Pipeline is needed for exporting out again but you can still do obj exports of bodys and heads etc in tpose if its native content or has an export license from pro just not posed obj, rigged FBX and bvh exports.
This handy for adjusting stuff in a modeler and reimporting, something I do a lot, I do have pipeline myself though but I have Carrara that will import the rigged animated FBX, D|S will only do a dreadful jumbled half animated mostly unrigged mess so a waste of time and money having pipeline if a studio user really.
Thanks, that's good to know. I am looking at that program too but probably won't be ready to start animating till next year, so gathering info now.
Thanks for the reply, 3Ddigit.. Well thats good to know. I did see another way via using blender on youtube,,but that looked a bit more complicated. What cuaght my eye about iClone..was the dynamics (hair and cloth) and motion.. especially hair,, which is one category DS is still lagging behind the others on. But yes like big hurry yet. But hey who knows.. Daz is advancing DS all the time.. it might just get there itself someday :o)