An option to speed up the viewport display for posing

Hey there, its me again :)
When posing a figure, youre probably want to have as much viewport speed as possible so you can fluently move the parts around without any graphical lag and stutters. I am sure most people already hide clothing when changing poses so you take away some of the stress from the viewport. But this isnt always enough to get a smooth result. In the background theres still something going on and the posing can still feel laggy. Especially when the clothes have a smoothing modifier to them.
Only when you unfit the clothing, then it will not influence the posing in the viewport anymore. At that point the figure is behaving very smooth again. So I would assume if its possible to link the visibility of a group of clothes with the "Fit to" mechanism, you should get a very quick switch for posing figures. The current parents would have to be stored in some var and then when you unhide the group, the items would be refitted to their parents again.
This would ensure very quick posing and minimal clicks required for the user. You only need to make sure to set up your clothing groups.
Thanks for reading. Hopefully this is an idea that could become a reality.
Is this Genesis? If so, does the clothing have a Smoothing modifier applied?
The easiest way that I have found to speed up posing is to hide all figures/props that you are not posing.
In scenes that have 4 or more figures, the posing screen will slow down to a crawl, or completely stop.
I've had scenes with up to 8 Aiko 3s in it, but by hiding the figures/props you aren't working on will speed up your ability to tweak the posing of the one you are working on.
Certain type of hair are the worst offenders.
Just click the eyeball on the scene content menu, to hide/un-hide the figure/prop, as needed.
This also applys to test renders. By hiding some hair props can cut up to 1/2hr. from your test renders.
As always YMMV.
/// EDIT: 03.14.13
A better way is to use flat shading in the pose window, you can see what you are posing.
No need to hide anything.
When you switch to the render window, everything will look as it should.
The shade switch is on the camera bar.
I think you misunderstood the post. I am just asking for an option/mechanism to link the visibility of a group (where you would then put clothing etc) with the items that are inside this group, and the "Fit To" value of those items. So whenever you hide the group, each item that will be hidden will also loose the fit to, which will ensure that the viewport stays quick when posing.
I have no problem to do those things manually and do not require help on how to do things, I would just like an option that saves me and probably many other users quite a few steps which I now have to do manually each time.
Dont get me wrong, I appreciate that you took the time to reply but its a misunderstanding.
Work in wireframe mode for posing etc, the swich to texture preview when applying materials.