Is the version # in the install file the correct version?
I would love someone to help me understand what I have.. I'm cleaning the HDD of dups (content installers) and installing objects not previously installed. I started with verifying my Bryce version.
In checking the 'about' menu option for Bryce I didn't see the version number so I went online to DAZ to my order history and then checked the download file name to verify I was running the current version ( Order history has the order July 29 2010 and the Bryce install file name has (I'm on a MAC if helpful).
I downloaded, this week, Bryce 7 again and the file name contained but when I go to install I get the window for the install path with a message that says it needs to uninstall the previous 7.1?
Is the message incorrect or do I really have 7.1 vs 7.0? How can I verify? As mentioned I don't see any version number in the About window.
Thanks in advance
Hold down the Command Key and select "About Bryce" from the OS Help menu. That will give the version number and creation date.
Gee-- Thanks Now the vers installed is 7.0 so I assume the message in the 7.1 install really means it wants to uninstall 7.0?
For now I want to keep both so I'll install into another folder.
Again thanks
As a rule, save all what you have in the folder Presets before you install. If you install to the same location, everything you added to the libraries will be lost for good. If you have a copy of this folder, you can just copy it back and you have everything back.