How to move V4 and M4 Items to a different drive
My drive is getting filled and I find that I'm not using the V4 and M4 products very much anymore. What's a good process for identifying the items and moving them to another drive. I know most of the files for them are in the runtime folder, but that also includes items for the genesis series as well. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Dennis,
You have a couple of options here. You can remove the V4/M4 items by uninstalling them via DIM, which would leave your "runtime" folder intact. (Actually, I'd recommend doing this in any case, since it sounds to me like you don't use those products much any more, and you need the space for your newer products.)
Something else you could consider is moving the entire content folder over to another drive, if space is the issue. If you're comfortable with cutting and pasting (or copying and pasting) you can just copy and paste the entire content folder from one drive to the other. Then all you need to do is point DS and DIM to the new location on your other drive.
Or, you can use DIM to set up a whole new content folder on your new drive and install what you want to work with there. Then the only thing you need to do is point DS to the location of your new content folder. And then use DIM to uninstall everything but the V4/M4 from your old runtime.
Personally, what I would do is just cut and paste the content folder from one drive to the other (but I am very comfortable with moving content files around). I would, as I mentioned earlier, point my DIM and DS to the new location of my content folder. And then I'd take the added step of creating something called a working directory. What this is is a way to organize your content so that you can find what you want easily. You can make as many of them as you want (which is wonderful). You can make a working directory for just the V4/M4 stuff so that if you had the occasion to use them, they'd be easier to find. You can make another working directory for just your Genesis 3 or Genesis 2, or Genesis 1 products. You can even set up a working directory for a specific theme, like sci-fi, or fantasy, or contemporary, or Christmas. However you want to make your content easier for you to use.
Here's a link to a video that explains how to set them up (after you've figured out how you want to move your content):
Thanks, FeralFey! I'm very comfortable with cutting and pasting so I did some of that. I really like the idea of a working directory.
You're welcome Dennis.
I've just recently learned about working directories myself and they are fabulous. I'm glad you find the information useful.