Saving morph for selling character


I made a nice character I'd like to sell, but I'm still learning how to pack it up.

Been trying to follow this tutorial, but when I right click parameters I have other options, the Create New Property one doesn't appear.

How can I save a character morph when I used Body and Head Morphs for G3F?

Does anybody have a more updated tutorial? I believe this tutorial was made for a previous version of DS.

Thank you in advance!


  • Have you first set the Parameters pane into Edit mode?

  • CherubitCherubit Posts: 994

    Have you first set the Parameters pane into Edit mode?

    I have. When you do this, Create New Property shows in yours?

  • Yes. Where are you right-clicking? And what options are showing?

  • related to this thread.   if I create a head morph from a mix of several G3 product characters like Karen 7, Aiko 6, and Teen Josie, can I then just save it as a new character or preset for just G3 without having to bring the others up?  (I have no intention of selling it, by the way.   am not a vendor.   just wanting easier access for personal use. )   thxs

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930

    taemimum - Go to the main File dropdown menu and scroll down to Save As. Depending on what you're trying to do, you need to scroll down to Support Asset, click on it and then scroll over to Morph Asset and click on it. You will then have the option to select the morphs you've made for your character. Make sure to only click the morphs you've made, because otherwise it will include ALL the other morphs that are currently loaded (but not necessarily active) in your figure. Then you'll need to go back to the File drop down menu Save As but this time save Character.  This will save your character as a unit (not just the morph parts). To make your character a product, it has to have both a character file and the associated morphs will need to be in your base figure's data folder. 

    bsheers2003 - you'll just need to save your character doing this last step. File/Save As/Character. It will activate those morphs you used from Karen 7, Aiko 6 and Teen Josie, so those will show up in the Shape tab. But at least you won't have to recreate your character from scratch every time you want to use her.

  • Am I allowed to share such a morph or receive such a morph from someone in the user community?  (not as a commercial sale or marketed as such), and if so, will they have to own the exact same product license characters n order to see the same face morph I created them from ?  ...or can I simply save the resulting morph mix for the base G3 and expect it can be viewed by someone who only has G3?     thxs

  • Presets are safe to share for something like this.

  • CherubitCherubit Posts: 994
    edited January 2017

    Yes. Where are you right-clicking? And what options are showing?

    Oooh I was clicking in Parameters, not over the properties! Ahh shame on me! blush now it worked! I went until it told me to do ERC-Freeze... Then I did it and opened a box, I just accept it without changing?

    Also, I tried saving head and body separate but I have no idea how to select just the head or just the body :/ do you happen to know how to?

    FeralFey said:

    taemimum - Go to the main File dropdown menu and scroll down to Save As. Depending on what you're trying to do, you need to scroll down to Support Asset, click on it and then scroll over to Morph Asset and click on it. You will then have the option to select the morphs you've made for your character. Make sure to only click the morphs you've made, because otherwise it will include ALL the other morphs that are currently loaded (but not necessarily active) in your figure. Then you'll need to go back to the File drop down menu Save As but this time save Character.  This will save your character as a unit (not just the morph parts). To make your character a product, it has to have both a character file and the associated morphs will need to be in your base figure's data folder.

    I can use that to save a character for selling with no problems with copyright? I like this step by step, I will try to do this way! Thank you! :D

    505 x 768 - 68K
    Post edited by Cherubit on
  • Here's the full setup on a character morph

    Note that if you are using existing morphs to create your character, that those morphs will need to be reversed out so that you are not stealing other people's work and that those morphs will also be required to make your character work correctly

    Just something to think about

    There are also morph kits available that can be used as merchant resources. I suggest using some of those if you are not going to create your own morph in zbrush or other modeling software.

    That's not to say you can't create a character using the standard G3 morphs from DAZ. You can, but they will need to be reversed out and required for your character.

    Hope that helps

  • There is also the matter of textures for your character. Merchant resource textures are available or you can create your own, but existing textures can not be used for products.

  • bsheers2003bsheers2003 Posts: 40
    edited February 2017

    need some final clarification on this thread, so from above again , I had asked this:  ".....will they have to own the exact same product license characters n order to see the same face morph I created them from ?  ...or can I simply save the resulting morph mix for the base G3 and expect it can be viewed by someone who only has G3 [but not the products I made my mix from, Karen, Josie, Aiko, et al ]? "

    then from Richard H:  "  Presets are safe to share for something like this. "  

    but from Josh Crockett  "Note that if you are using existing morphs to create your character, that those morphs will need to be reversed out so that you are not stealing other people's work and that those morphs will also be required to make your character work correctly  "     

    So then, if I make a morph mix from licensed character products that I own like Karen, Aiko and Josie, my collaborator on the other coast, who only owns Karen, will not be able to use this same preset for the next page of our novel because it cannot be brought up identically on her computer unless she has those exact same products.....   is that correct?    Or, is there someway to save this morph mix into the G3 base so that she can bring up this same identical morph mix?     (again, am not a vendor making a product for sale, just trying to work with a project collaborator without duplicating all our expenses needlessly.  so I want to separate out for this discussion the legal vs the technical issues in creating and distributing a product morph mix, non commercially.   )      and thxs much for your patience....


    Post edited by bsheers2003 on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852
    edited February 2017

    So then, if I make a morph mix from licensed character products that I own like Karen, Aiko and Josie, my collaborator on the other coast, who only owns Karen, will not be able to use this same preset for the next page of our novel because it cannot be brought up identically on her computer unless she has those exact same products.....   is that correct? 

    That is how it works.  The preset notes the morphs used and the values,  but the morphs themselves are in the individual  packages purchased.  You and your other coast buddy  have to purchase them on all the user computers then the presets will work on each the same.  And for the record you don't own Karen,  you purchased a license to use the Karen character morph specific to the EULA. 

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • thxs for the clarity.   btw, just followed the firstbastion links to your store where I found Useful Mirror shaders...    had been looking for just that.   now in my cart...     nice product!

  • CherubitCherubit Posts: 994

    How do I save separately the head and the body?

  • Generally you need to create separate morphs from the outset - it is possible to create a sinlge morph and use the Attenuate function in Moprh Loader Pro, but that will work only if the morph isn't too far from the base shape around the neck.

  • CherubitCherubit Posts: 994

    Generally you need to create separate morphs from the outset - it is possible to create a sinlge morph and use the Attenuate function in Moprh Loader Pro, but that will work only if the morph isn't too far from the base shape around the neck.

    I don't get it :(

    i have the full character made with head and body morphs for g3f.

    I want to know how to select just the face or just the body, so i can create the dragging morph bar. :/

  • Here is one method of separating head from body (or any number of various body parts or areas)

  • Josh CrockettJosh Crockett Posts: 572
    edited February 2017

    Here's is how to create a control property

    Post edited by Josh Crockett on
  • taemimun said:

    Generally you need to create separate morphs from the outset - it is possible to create a sinlge morph and use the Attenuate function in Moprh Loader Pro, but that will work only if the morph isn't too far from the base shape around the neck.

    I don't get it :(

    i have the full character made with head and body morphs for g3f.

    I want to know how to select just the face or just the body, so i can create the dragging morph bar. :/

    If you mean a shape created from multiple morphs, you can select which get written to a Shaping preset in the option dialogue - that shows the property tree so you should be able to find the head morphs fairly easily.

  • CherubitCherubit Posts: 994

    Thank you guys! :) It worked!

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