Genesis Full Body Morphs in 3D Coat

Hi, I'm hoping that someone in the forums has some experience using 3D Coat to do body morphs on the genesis model. I've read through the forums on the export requirements for the genesis mesh ( base, sub divide 0 ). Most of what I have seen in the forums cover using Hexagon or ZBrush.
I have been able to modify the genesis mesh in 3d Coat, and import it back as a morph using Morhp Loader Pro. However, when I go to dial up the new morph, it compeltely destroys the genesis body. Rather gruesome looking sight actually. So, I am definitely missing something in the work flow here.
I am a somewhat of a novice at 3d modeling, so be kind :lol:
The explosion of your mesh is due to the vertex order having not been preserved on either import or export (or both). I don't know anything about 3D Coat, but in Blender, for example, one of the options is to "keep vertex order" (in both import and export). I would assume there is a similar option in 3D Coat.
Can you show a screenshot of what the problem is, and the import settings that you used in Morph Loader Pro?
It sounds like the vertex order may have been changed, and I'm not sure what the correct settings are atm. I don't have 3D Coat, but I know that some members have had success with it, I'll have a look for you. I think Fugazi did some tuts on YouTube about sending items form 3dCoat to DS4.
EDIT: Sorry HP, another XPost :)
It looks as if it should work fairly simply
You have to import the model for pixel painting, make sure there's no additional subdivision, and modify it without adding vertices via the Tweak Tab. I believe the linked video is where I learned that from, so if I forgot anything important, it's probably in there.
I am going through and trying out the suggestions in the replies. < --- tyvm for the speedy help! Before I make some attempts, I have attached an archive with my screens in this post of my work flow. ( see attached )
Now off to make some attempts at getting it right. So far, I tried Importing for Pixel Painting, but it is still exploding the mesh once back into Daz. Still need to fiddle some more.. most likely something simple I am overlooking. On a side note, I found it very simple to Export Genesis, modify it to my hearts content, adding mutiple layers with different morps, and exporting it as a a low poly mesh and then creating a new figure out of it in Daz.
I can auto rig this new actor, or I can copy from Genesis, but I cannot for the life of me get a a morph fit onto the original Gensis. At first, I thought this might be satisfactory, but I noticed that the new model, even though it has all the original morphs on Gensis, it is absolutely not as polished as the Original Gensis model.
Would be far better to get the morph import to the original Gensis working :) But, having fun exploring hehe
Thanks for the help, and hoping someone notices any grevious mistakes I made in my attached workflow ! :)
Well, that was an adventure. I finally solved my problem. It was such a silly thing in the end. Oh well, always is I guess :lol:
It turned out to be related to importing the mesh into 3D Coat for pixel painting, but necessary to subdivide the imported mesh.
This takes alot longer, but maps back out on export from 3D Coat in many different ways, and ultimately into Daz ;p
You guys are awesome, thank you for your help!
Hi, I'm working in it myself now. Could you clarify that for me? That is, did you need to subdivide on import, or not subdivide on import?
EDIT: Aha, "Sculpt" is now "tweak." I still would appreciate help on the subdivision issue, though.
Confirmed, that tutorial doesn't work with 3dCoat 3.7 and DS4.5 Pro. Import and export of a completely unedited base-res Genesis still results in an exported mesh that DS will load but which will result in a hashed morph. When I export a working morph from Blender using the same base-res Genesis the file is 1.8 mb whereas the 3dCoat export is 2.9; don't know why.
I haven't had time to install, still less use, 3.7 but I think you should be able to get older versions of the application from either the download area or the forums.
Kia ora
So would it work do you think if one was to load the char and use sculping and subdive to give enough rez to ad the like of say knee, lip, cheek textures or navel shapes etc to add body detail and bake that to a normal map to be used on a default char as long as the size's or UV maps where not changed so the extra vert detail was baked into a normal rather than exported on the default model, I guessing here a bit quite new to modeling over all not just texture creation
Opps for got
I see this doing by the video as a way to get my nice Shannara ears as long as I just move them and not add anything right?
Yes, that should work - and unless you are compositing with existing maps you don't need to worry about keeping the image size constant, the UV mapping deals with relative positions not absolute.