Hair follows ear morphs on Genesis figures

After debating if I should stick to Studio 3 I went and purchased some content for Studio 4.5. After getting the hang of the interface I went to searching high and low for my ear shape dials.
Finding them I noticed when spinning the Elf ear dials the hair of the Genesis characters follows the ear morphs. It looks like the hair mesh deforms around the ears, and in all the hairs I've tried the same result.
Is there any option to turn this off?
There's a gear on the ear morph dial to get to the parameters - click that and you will see "auto follow." Uncheck auto follow and it'll stop having conforming items follow that morph.
Hi Canary, I'm using 1.6 and when I tried that it didn't stop following.
I've assumed you mean the ear morph on Genesis itself? There weren't any morphs showing up on the hair. Does it need to be done prior to actually dialling the morph in?
Sadly there are STILL (throws a dirty look at DAZ) head morphs that have auto follow turned on when it should be off for them.
Turning it off in the parameters only works for that instance, as the next time you load Genesis they will still auto follow, you need to write the change into the morph DSF files to stop it.
Load Genesis into an empty scene, in the parameters tab find the morph (or morphs) that needs changed, click on the cog next to the morphs name, select "parameter settings" from the menu, in the new popup uncheck auto follow and click "accept", now go "File > Save as > Support Asset > Save modified asset", you should now get a progress bar as DS is scanning everything in Genesis, after that you'll get a popup with a list of DSF files that are going to be edited (if your just changing one then that's all that should be listed there), click accept and your done.
Thanks Bejaymac, I'll give that a try.
I found a way to fix this for me by accident. Turn on show hidden properties under parameters and then go to the currently used under parameters for the hair.
Now turn the elf ear and other morphs off.
For an fun effect you can take them to 25% or something or perhaps an negative value to give an illusion that the hair adjust to the ears.
Thanks, I knew there was a fix I could do from the hair but couldn't remember the process. That fixed it beautifully.
I think I may still try to do the fix Bejaymac suggested though also...
Thanks folks, this post helped me a lot. I was looking desperately for a fix to get around those automatic hair morphs. They can be a real pain if you want to do elf, orc or other fantasy races ...
there's blast from the past.
glad for the reminder. Interesting username, relative to the original post date.
what if the ear morph is attached to a head morph : ( and not seperated
"what if the ear morph is attached to a head morph : ( and not seperated";