How can I setup 'Daz Install Manager' to install things to both Daz Studio & Poser 11?
I'm just starting out with 3D, and finished installing the latest versions of both Daz Studio & Poser 11.
Also important to note: I have custom "Content" folders for each program.
Ideally, I would like the items in my "Product Library" installed to the appropriate programs via "Daz Install Manager'.
To this end, I set three key options in DIM:
- In the 'Application' section, I chose "Poser Pro 11" & indicated its path.
- In the 'Installation' section, I entered both the Daz & Poser content folder paths (ie. two different locations).
- I checked 'Install to respective installed paths'
Afterwards, I did some test DIM installs using the freebies in my "Product Library" (Beach Volleyball, Genesis Starter Essentials, etc.).
The problem is that I check the "Installation" logs, and it only lists the path of Daz's content folder. It does not seem to install to my Poser 11 content folder. Can anyone help me set this up correctly?
Have you added the directories where you installed the Poser content to the Content Directory Manager in DAZ Studio? Anything that isn't installed in the default location has to be made known to Studio.
DAz Studio also uses components of what you'd consider "Poser Content", like the Runtime folder, as part of the regular setup, so DIM would install regular content (also that marked "Poser" in the dirctory you have defined for DAZ content.
INTERESTING! See, my aim is to keep Daz's content folder & Poser's content folder seperate from each other. They should be their own self-contained universes.
So to that end, would it be okay if I set the "Poser Formats" option in Daz Studio to my current custom "Daz Content Folder"?
And after we deal with that...I hope someone can give me clarification on how how "Daz Install Manager" is configured to install things to the seperate custom "Poser Content Folder".
A little bit of background may be in order. The Daz Install Manager (aka DIM) was originally intended as a simple way of downloading and installing DAZ content and ensuring that the content was placed in the correct locations on the users hard drive automatically. As such, and since DAZ Studio has always been capable of reading Poser format files, a single primary content folder was used. The name of the default content folder created by DAZ Studio when installed has changed over the years, but currently is "My DAZ 3D Library" or somesuch. You do not need to keep that as your content library - you may change the name and/or location as you wish, but must enter that new name and location into DIM so it knows where to extract downloaded content. The DAZ Studio library is set up to accomodate both Poser and DAZ Studio format content, and may also be used by Poser itself if specified as the content library within Poser. You don't need to have separate content libraries for each application (one for Poser, one for DAZ Studio as you have described). If you wish to know whether DIM can be set up to install Poser format content in one location, and DAZ Studio format content in another, I believe the answer is no. I don't use DIM myself and prefer to download and extract my content manually, but I'm pretty sure DIM can only accomodate a single content library and does not, itself, differentiate between Poser or DAZ Studio content - it merely places the extracted content into the folders specified in the download. You may have more than one content library, but DIM can only use one, insofar as I am aware.
If you really must have separate libraries for Poser and DAZ Studio content, then I would suggest that you set DIM to download DAZ Studio content to your DAZ Studio library, and manually download Poser content to your Poser library. This will not necessarily work entirely as intended, since some files are shared in common between the two applications - for example texture maps, which are stored in Runtime > Textures regardless of whether the content is for Poser or DAZ Studio. It can potentially be a lot of work for little benefit. I have both Poser and DAZ Studio installed on a couple of machines and use a common, single main content folder for both. I can tell you that there is absolutely no issues with this single content folder approach, and I can also say from past experience that there is no real advantage in attempting to keep them separate. Other opinions may exist.
I'll admit, I have been completely confused...and that seems to be leading to some incorrect assumptions on my part.
You seem to be really knowledgeable, so I hope you can guide me out of my confusion by answering these questions...
1) Can you elaborate on using a single "Content Folder" for both Daz Studio & Poser 11?
You say that it's possible to use a single content folder. I actually prefer this! But I remember seeing some installation tutorial that said there was a seperate process for installing content for Daz Studio, and another for installing to Poser. The impression I got was that both programs had different folder structures & hierarchies. That's why I opted to keep them seperate, to avoid incorrect installations.
Are you sure there would be no conflicts or confusion if both shared a single content folder?
2) Can you also elaborate on how compatible the stuff being sold in the Daz marketplace is with Poser 11?
This is something I'm terribly confused about. For example, I see alot of "Genesis" content out there. In some articles, I get the impression that it's not possible to use such content in Poser 11. In other articles, I get the impression that there needs to be some sort of conversion process before it can be used in Poser.
As I'm very new to this, I would like to start off with "models" & "backgrounds" that can be read by both Poser 11 & Daz Studio. This way, I can play with both programs & get a feel for their advantages or limitations.
Can you suggest some "family" of products in this regard?
DIM can install to different content directories - they are added and edited in the Installation tab of the prefernces (the gear icon) and can be selected there or in the main interface with Show Details checked.
Poser content uses thesame folder structure - you just need to add the same folder (the one holding the Runtime) to both
I have DAZ Studio 4.9 and Poser 10 installed on this computer, and for shared files between the two I have the Runtime folder of My DAZ 3D Library and the one in My Library recognized in both. Any products I download and install using the DIM, which both applications can read do show up in both as accessible files, and any that can only be read by one or the other as accessible files will appear as such. The only conflict is that certain formats are only readable by one or the other, which to me is no conflict at all. I always say use what works in each in the application it works in. If it works in both (which by the way is perhaps 85% or more of all compatible content), that is a big bonus.
So having one main Content Library to which you can point both DAZ Studio and Poser is perfectly acceptable. It is also perfectly acceptable to install new content to that directory via the DIM, if it is able to be installed that way.