HowieFarkes 50% off... list of trees?
Does anyone have a complete list of the Howie trees? I remember doing this once on the old forums, going through the products and making a comprehensive list of addons....?
Oh, and 50% off.... Not sure for how long...
1182 x 1293 - 3M
I don't have such a list; but it would be a spectacular resource.
This isn't complete. I need to look at all of the other items I installed that he did to finish it, but it is a good start
Country Lane:
Birch Sapling
Forest Drive:
Sugar Maple Sapling
Swamp Maple Sapling
Swamp maple
Tulip Tree Sapling
Tulip Tree Young
Tulip Tree
Maple Meadows:
Beech Sapling
Beech Seedling
Pine Oak Sapling
Mature Red Maple
Red Maple Sapling
Red Maple
Sugar Maple Sapling
Suger Maple
Secret Lake:
Red Spruce
Suger Maple Mature
Sugar Maple Sapling
Suger Maple
Tamarack Larch
Stony Ceek:
Beech Sapling
Beech Seedling
Forest Pine Oak
Forest Shrub
Pine Oak Sapling
Pine Oak
White Spruce
World Gardens Byodo Inn:
Cherry Tree
Elm tree
Japanese Maple
Mondo Gras
Rhododendron 1
Rhododendron 2
Spruce Tree
Trident Maple
Wilow Tree
World Gardens Japan:
Black Pine Large
Black Pine Small
Cherry Tree
Elm tree
Japanese Maple 1
Japanese maple 2
Mondo Grass
Rhodendron 1
Rhodendron 2
Spruce Tree 2
Trident Maple
Weeping Maple
Arboretum Volume 1 (Leaves & Trees):
Birch Leaf
Elm Leaf
Pin Oak Leaf
Sugar Maple Leaf
Swamp Maple Leaf
Sweet Gum Leaf
Tulip Tree Leaf
Paper Birch Sapling (Betula papyrifera)
Paper Birch Young (Betula papyrifera)
Paper Birch Mature (Betula papyrifera)
American Elm Sapling (Ulmus americana)
American Elm Young (Ulmus americana)
American Elm Mature (Ulmus americana)
Pin Oak Sapling (Fagus grandifolia)
Pin Oak Young (Fagus grandifolia)
Pin Oak Mature (Fagus grandifolia)
Sugar Maple Sapling (Acer saccharum)
Sugar Maple Young (Acer saccharum)
Sugar Maple Mature (Acer saccharum)
Swamp Maple Sapling (Acer rubrum)
Swamp Maple Young (Acer rubrum)
Swamp Maple Mature (Acer rubrum)
Sweet Gum Sapling (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Sweet Gum Young (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Sweet Gum Mature (Liquidambar styraciflua)
Tulip Tree Sapling (Liriodendrom tulipifera)
Tulip Tree Young (Liriodendrom tulipifera)
Tulip Tree Mature (Liriodendrom tulipifera)
Arboretum Volume 2 (Leaves & Tress):
Gum Leaves
Flowering Gum Leaves
Sheoak Needles
Grass Tree Blades
Gum Leaf
Wattle Leaves
Brittle Gum sapling (Eucalyptus mannifera)
Brittle Gum mature 1 (Eucalyptus mannifera)
Brittle Gum mature 2 (Eucalyptus mannifera)
River Sheoak sapling (Casuarina cunninghamiana)
River Sheoak young (Casuarina cunninghamiana)
River Sheoak mature (Casuarina cunninghamiana)
Golden Wattle young (Acacia pycnantha)
Golden Wattle 1 (Acacia pycnantha)
Golden Wattle 2 (Acacia pycnantha)
Grass Tree small (Xanthorrhea glauca)
Grass Tree medium (Xanthorrhea glauca)
Grass Tree large (Xanthorrhea glauca)
Red Ironbark sapling (Eucalyptus tricarpa)
Red Ironbark mature 1 (Eucalyptus tricarpa)
Red Ironbark mature 2 (Eucalyptus tricarpa)
Red Stringybark sapling (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha)
Red Stringybark mature 1 (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha)
Red Stringybark mature 2 (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha)
Snow Gum sapling (Eucalyptus pauciflora)
Snow Gum high altitude (Eucalyptus pauciflora)
Snow Gum mature (Eucalyptus pauciflora)
I really like Carrara trees, especially using Howie's presets.
For further examples, I've gone into some of his scenes and selected various builds, centered them in the scene, and saved them off to my browser - simply because some are set up for up close and personal, while others are for background, and yet some are mainly for their canopy.
Oh.. and they're so darned nice lookin'!
Just to add to that, I also like Mark Moir's trees (BMF scenes, etc.,) as they render so fast, while still looking awesome in the background. Both artists also provide excellent tutorial material with their products.
Just buy all of them!
What Daz really needs to do in 2013 is bottle Dartanbeck's enthusiasm. :)
I have been meaning to buy the Arboretum - I can't believe that I forgot those last night!
It's not my fault! I've found True Love, fifteen years ago and it makes me high.
I feel this giddy rush flowing through me on a perpetual basis.
It's not too late, Garstor... heck, buy them both! You know you'll find them to be a handy collection! ;) temptation resistance is low today... :lol: