Animation Conversion Genesis 2 to Genesis 3

HI I purchased Animation Conversion Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 thinking it would convert G 2 TO G3 AS title states but it only converts G2F TO  G3F  should not the title  be Animation Conversion G2F TO G3F this would avoid confusion i have now requested refund


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    "HI I purchased Animation Conversion Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 thinking it would convert G 2 TO G3 AS title states but it only converts G2F TO  G3F  should not the title  be Animation Conversion G2F TO G3F this would avoid confusion i have now requested refund"

    Hi you must first create a "masculinized"
    animation with the G2 female

    Run the script and retarget it to the G3 female.

    Save your G3 females "masculinized" animation as a pose preset  being sure to save all frames and not just current frame.

    Apply that pose to the G3 male.

    Screen Shot 12-18-16 at 12.48 PM.PNG
    1697 x 1067 - 693K
  • jimlinjimlin Posts: 146
    wolf359 said:

    "HI I purchased Animation Conversion Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 thinking it would convert G 2 TO G3 AS title states but it only converts G2F TO  G3F  should not the title  be Animation Conversion G2F TO G3F this would avoid confusion i have now requested refund"

    Hi you must first create a "masculinized"
    animation with the G2 female

    Run the script and retarget it to the G3 female.

    Save your G3 females "masculinized" animation as a pose preset  being sure to save all frames and not just current frame.

    Apply that pose to the G3 male.

    Thanks for responce seems to complicated for my old brain i have requestrd refund

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    Understood Anytime you invole G3 in animation be prepared for "complicated" sad

    Still, If you Decide,in the future, that you want to have another go at animating the G3 Males or females check the freebie forum here for a FREE script by zaz777
    that accomplishes the exact same result 
    even more accurately in my experience.

    Here is Ivan For the G3 male having a stroll.

  • jimlinjimlin Posts: 146
    wolf359 said:

    Understood Anytime you invole G3 in animation be prepared for "complicated" sad

    Still, If you Decide,in the future, that you want to have another go at animating the G3 Males or females check the freebie forum here for a FREE script by zaz777
    that accomplishes the exact same result 
    even more accurately in my experience.

    Here is Ivan For the G3 male having a stroll.

    Thanks again for your response i have    zaz777 converter but i cannot find script for g2m to g3 m this

    program converts great if you know where script for  g2 m to g3m pose corrector for zaz 777 is could you post thanks again


  • zaz777zaz777 Posts: 115

    Something that might work, but I haven't tried it, is to just copy the already existing "Fix Pose V6-V7.dsa" script to "Fix Pose M6-M7.dsa".  You should get results from this, but I'm not sure how good they will be.  You could also try converting the animation using G2F and G3F and then copy/move the animation from G3F to G3M.

    As I mention in the original thread, rsg's scripts were released prior to the release of Genesis 3 Male and they haven't been updated to support it.

    The file, downloladed from sharecg, contains a PDF file Documentation\SGApps Posing Scripts.pdf, on the last page, that document describes how to use the FixPoseGenerator.dsa script to make new "Fix Pose" scripts to support any pair of models you need.

    Making a new script is easy, although it can be a bit tedious.  To do that for G2M and G3M:

    1. Load G2M
    2. Load G3M
    3. Pose G3M so it matches as closely as possible G2M.  Looking at the two models in DS right now, it appears that you just need to line up the upper arm via the Shoulder Bend using about -3.5 in Front-Back and the lower arm via Forearm Bend using about -5.5 bend (both for the left arm, do something similar on the right arm).
    4. Once posed, select G2M.
    5. CTRL-Click on G3M to also select him.  This is easiest to do in the Scene tab.
    6. Run the /Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Generator/FixPoseGenerator.dsa script and save the results to /Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Fix Pose M6-M7.dsa. (Paths are relative to some place in your content library.)

    Once made, test your script and if necessary, make corrections and regenerate the script.  This is where it can get tedious as you might need one or one hundred iterations of this to get it "right."

    Remember, you are very unlikely to get perfect results all of the time using any method to convert animations.  The goal is to get a conversion of the animation with as little work as possible that is close enough to use or use with a few minor adjustments.

    The brilliance of rsg's scripts is that we were generously given a tool to allow us to convert poses from nearly any model to nearly any other model.  The FixPoseGenerator.dsa script rsg included does a good job of future proofing any work flow based on the set of scripts.

  • jimlinjimlin Posts: 146
    zaz777 said:

    Something that might work, but I haven't tried it, is to just copy the already existing "Fix Pose V6-V7.dsa" script to "Fix Pose M6-M7.dsa".  You should get results from this, but I'm not sure how good they will be.  You could also try converting the animation using G2F and G3F and then copy/move the animation from G3F to G3M.

    As I mention in the original thread, rsg's scripts were released prior to the release of Genesis 3 Male and they haven't been updated to support it.

    The file, downloladed from sharecg, contains a PDF file Documentation\SGApps Posing Scripts.pdf, on the last page, that document describes how to use the FixPoseGenerator.dsa script to make new "Fix Pose" scripts to support any pair of models you need.

    Making a new script is easy, although it can be a bit tedious.  To do that for G2M and G3M:

    1. Load G2M
    2. Load G3M
    3. Pose G3M so it matches as closely as possible G2M.  Looking at the two models in DS right now, it appears that you just need to line up the upper arm via the Shoulder Bend using about -3.5 in Front-Back and the lower arm via Forearm Bend using about -5.5 bend (both for the left arm, do something similar on the right arm).
    4. Once posed, select G2M.
    5. CTRL-Click on G3M to also select him.  This is easiest to do in the Scene tab.
    6. Run the /Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Generator/FixPoseGenerator.dsa script and save the results to /Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Fix Pose M6-M7.dsa. (Paths are relative to some place in your content library.)

    Once made, test your script and if necessary, make corrections and regenerate the script.  This is where it can get tedious as you might need one or one hundred iterations of this to get it "right."

    Remember, you are very unlikely to get perfect results all of the time using any method to convert animations.  The goal is to get a conversion of the animation with as little work as possible that is close enough to use or use with a few minor adjustments.

    The brilliance of rsg's scripts is that we were generously given a tool to allow us to convert poses from nearly any model to nearly any other model.  The FixPoseGenerator.dsa script rsg included does a good job of future proofing any work flow based on the set of scripts.

    Thanks will give your suggestions  a try and  see which one i get  best result from

  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    wolf359 said:

    "HI I purchased Animation Conversion Genesis 2 to Genesis 3 thinking it would convert G 2 TO G3 AS title states but it only converts G2F TO  G3F  should not the title  be Animation Conversion G2F TO G3F this would avoid confusion i have now requested refund"

    Hi you must first create a "masculinized"
    animation with the G2 female

    Run the script and retarget it to the G3 female.

    Save your G3 females "masculinized" animation as a pose preset  being sure to save all frames and not just current frame.

    Apply that pose to the G3 male.

    Wolf, would you be so kind as to explain this in more detail? Like the OP, I thought the G2 to G3 would work for both genders and am a little puzzled now. I wish DAZ would concentrate more on animation, this is really undeveloped now.

    How do I "masculinize" an animation and how do I save it as a pose preset with all of the frames? Whenever I've tried to apply a G2F --> G3F converted animation to a G3M, they end up with their arms set in a permanent T-pose.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


  • jimlin said:
    zaz777 said:

    Something that might work, but I haven't tried it, is to just copy the already existing "Fix Pose V6-V7.dsa" script to "Fix Pose M6-M7.dsa".  You should get results from this, but I'm not sure how good they will be.  You could also try converting the animation using G2F and G3F and then copy/move the animation from G3F to G3M.

    As I mention in the original thread, rsg's scripts were released prior to the release of Genesis 3 Male and they haven't been updated to support it.

    The file, downloladed from sharecg, contains a PDF file Documentation\SGApps Posing Scripts.pdf, on the last page, that document describes how to use the FixPoseGenerator.dsa script to make new "Fix Pose" scripts to support any pair of models you need.

    Making a new script is easy, although it can be a bit tedious.  To do that for G2M and G3M:

    1. Load G2M
    2. Load G3M
    3. Pose G3M so it matches as closely as possible G2M.  Looking at the two models in DS right now, it appears that you just need to line up the upper arm via the Shoulder Bend using about -3.5 in Front-Back and the lower arm via Forearm Bend using about -5.5 bend (both for the left arm, do something similar on the right arm).
    4. Once posed, select G2M.
    5. CTRL-Click on G3M to also select him.  This is easiest to do in the Scene tab.
    6. Run the /Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Generator/FixPoseGenerator.dsa script and save the results to /Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Fix Pose M6-M7.dsa. (Paths are relative to some place in your content library.)

    Once made, test your script and if necessary, make corrections and regenerate the script.  This is where it can get tedious as you might need one or one hundred iterations of this to get it "right."

    Remember, you are very unlikely to get perfect results all of the time using any method to convert animations.  The goal is to get a conversion of the animation with as little work as possible that is close enough to use or use with a few minor adjustments.

    The brilliance of rsg's scripts is that we were generously given a tool to allow us to convert poses from nearly any model to nearly any other model.  The FixPoseGenerator.dsa script rsg included does a good job of future proofing any work flow based on the set of scripts.

    Thanks will give your suggestions  a try and  see which one i get  best result from

    zaa777. Thanks for the helpful hints. They do work. Any thought as to how to handle the male genitals with the scripts? All help is appreciated.

  • Hi.

    Executing script: "SG Copy Pose Animated.dsa"....

    If error appears: "Copy Pose Script '/Scripts/SGApps/Posing/Fix Pose X-v7' (dsa,dsb) was not found", the following has worked for me (Genesis 1 to Genesis 3)

    find script :"Fix Pose V4-V7.dsa" and create a copy renamed "Fix Pose X-v7.dsa". And issue was solved.

    (sorry my bad english)

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