DS 4.9: Can't undo anymore!

My ctrl-z doesn't "undo" all changes I make in my scenes when I use it. The Undo command in "Edit" neither.
The only thing it will undo now is the camera transformation...please, he~~~~~lp!
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My ctrl-z doesn't "undo" all changes I make in my scenes when I use it. The Undo command in "Edit" neither.
The only thing it will undo now is the camera transformation...please, he~~~~~lp!
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Are items not even appearing in the Undo <last action> entry in the Edit menu, or are they not undoing when clicked? Is everything else normal - no suggestion of a stuck modifier key for example?
I'll give you an example. Let's say I load G3F in my scene, then lift her arm. If I try to "undo" the arm lifting action, by ctrl-z, noting happen. Also, the Edit menu
won't display this modification of her arm position. If I delete my figure, I cannot undo the deletion either; it isn't even proposed in Edit menu.The Edit menu simply
shows nothing to undo.The only thing that shows as undoable in the list is camera transform.
The only thing I could think of that might cause this would be a lack of memory. If you look at Task Manager with DS open, how much memory is in use? Also, which exact version of DS is this - Help>About Daz Studio?
It's using 1345 mb of ram. My total of ram is 32gb so I don't think there's an issue there.Version is pro 64. I also see it crash or freeze rather often lately.
Additional: I even tried to uninstall and reinstall. It didn't help. Apparently I can make undo work only in public build.
Which plug-ins do you have? You might want to disable at least the non-Daz ones in Help>About Installed Plug-ins, then restart DS and see if it is better behaved.
do you check if your keyboard is correct?
possible wrong keyboard set (AZERTY instead of QWERTY)
It actually works once in a while... my keyboard has always been set on french layout and so far, no problem with that.
It can't be *just* the keyboard either, since when clicking in Edit I often don't have the option to undo anything.
I have tried to uninstall, reinstall after cleaning up everything I could, too, no luck.
That would block the keyboard shortcut, but not the menu command and it wouldn't stop changes from being added to the undo stack.
Alright... I uninstalled ds, scraped off every single plugin, registry reference and rogue files I could find. Restarted the PC, reinstalled DS...
The undo now works *randomly* once out of thrice. Here are a few attempts accounts and their results.
1- create a new scene file. Load g3f. Move arm forward through dials. Undo works.
2- Pull other arm around with mouse. Undo works.
3- Appliy a pose to g3f. Undo fails.
4- Moved a limb. Undo brings the figure to a random posture.
It seems that undo often doesn't work at all or selects a random previous step. I have noticed something though: most of the time, cancelling on an object will work, but not on a figure.
This is very strange - please pen a support ticket so that the issue can be examined, you may have found an exotic bug (unless it's a system issue, I suppose memory problems could do something like this).
Okay, will do :)
So could a couple of other system related items...especially if it was working with no updates to Studio.
I wonder how I could be out of memory... I mean, 32gb of ddr3 should be plenty to chow onto. is there a way to manually affect enough of it to ds?
Not so much out of...but a bad/flaky stick. Running Memtest wouldn't be a bad idea.
RAM seems fine, not so sure about my Windows right now ><
I'll attempt a fresh windows reinstall, we'll see...
A windows reinstallation *seems* to have solved it.
This just happened to me too. I set Studio with somer different workspace options, moved some panes around and such, and I have Octane running.
I dial some parameters that I decide I don't want so I undo. It undoes the deleting of keyframes I did an hour ago!