How to export Garibaldi hair as OBJ?

Garibaldi hair was available with a deep discount, so took the plunge.  I knew of the limitations with Iray and found the threads explaining the process; i.e. export as OBJ.  But, when I do that, and re-import the OBJ, I get nothing.  In inspecting the output file, it was only 51 bytes, so clearly I did something wrong.

Here's what I did:

* Created a quick Garibaldi Hair node

* Selected that node and did File | Export

* I chose the DAZ Studio scaling (1 unit = 1 cm), set scale to 100% and the following checkboxes were checked (I never changed these, so assuming they're the factory defaults): 'Ignore Invisible Nodes', 'Write UV Coordinates', 'Write Normals', 'Write Object Statements', 'Write Groups' (with Use Existing Groups option selected), 'Write Surfaces', 'Write Material Library' (with Original Maps option selected).

I also tried selecting all objects (basically hair and G3 figure) and exported that.  Upon re-import, I only get the G3 character.

I'm using DAZ (64-bit) on macOS Sierra.

A 3Delight render works as expected, but I ultimately need Iray.  The extra cost (time, RAM) will not be an issue with the Iray renders of the imported OBJs assuming I can get that to work.


  • zaz777zaz777 Posts: 115

    You export Garibaldi hair as an OBJ in the Garibaldi Editor window.  It has its own File menu in it with an Export Obj File... option.

    If you've done much work on the hair, namely cutting and a few other operations, its likely that the exported OBJ file will contain some loose vertices with some bad data in them.

    If you find lines like "v -1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND" in your OBJ file, you may want to clean those up.  DAZ Studio will import them ok, but you'll have some stray vertices in the hair.  Other applications, like blender, won't import OBJ files with that type of error.

    Since I normally touch up my hair in blender, I edit the OBJ file after exporting from Garibaldi.  I do a global search and replace of "#IND" with "0" and save the file before importing into blender.  In blender, I clean up any stray vertices I find, do whatever I want/need to do to the hair and then export to load into DS.

  • You have to export from within the Garibaldi pane, if you use the DS export then the hair doesn't have any geometry to export.

  • rsharprsharp Posts: 45

    Thank you!

  • So what happened to this hair system?  It's no longer for sale here and on the Garibaldi site there is a link to here to buy it (the only way, apparently) and that link doesn't work.


    I assume the newest version of Daz doesn't support it -- so is that why it disappeared?

  • According to Daz, in another thread, it was withdrawn from the store as daz had run out of serial numbers and was waiting for a new batch - presumably that is still the case.

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