Just Because I Can. STUPID THR…
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Just Because I Can. STUPID THREAD II
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Kyoto Kid that is great advice if your not a Drow. Pretty much nobody trusts me for some odd reason. I just can not get people lulled into that comfort zone. I never figured out why.
...Kelly grew up on Salem Tir Taringire. Not a good place to be if you are human. Humans comprise maybe one percent of the local population there.
In the first edition of the game, if twins were born to elven parents, one was always human.
Kelly's backstory is quite involved as it revolved around Tir politics, racism and her fathers ambition. In a way she was very much like the Drow as in the TT, humans were highly mistrusted and despised. Now take that into a schoolyard setting and things can get really bad as children and teens can often be crueler than adults. She was frequently blamed for incidents she never caused which eventually made her home-life and relationship with her father more difficult as well.
Yeah, the story is pretty gut wrenching at times but made a perfect basis as to why she would end up running the shadows in the Seattle Metroplex.
...speaking of my Bushido Cowgirl...
Avatar time.
Wonderful KK!!! How come us Paper RPG people are great at story telling? I had two full chapters of Jades early life on a PC that was stolen. Your HD Died, it's worse for you. I can not write for crap but I see you can. I tell stories, I never write anymore. I would love to read some of your stories, it sounds to me like you could do a great collection.
Opps :red: ! None of that was Stupid. Need to add this to stay Thread worthy.
Why did the DUCK cross the road? Because he was duct-taped to the Chicken.:shut:
no no Duck got a Goose :vampire:
I have decided to turn my computer back to front, maybe then I can start browsing the forum from last thread posted first, instead of vice versa. :roll:
I had to flip mine upside down for that to work, but I have to stand on my head in order to read it.
I'm starting to get used to it, but I have no feeling in my feet.
I had to flip mine upside down for that to work, but I have to stand on my head in order to read it.
I'm starting to get used to it, but I have no feeling in my feet.
If you try too wiggle your toes, it might get some feeling back. :smirk:
I am tired though I did sleep
....I did that too, but all the text spilled off the screen onto the floor and left me with quite a mess to clean up. Still finding "e's" ad "a's" under the desk. :cheese:
As long as it's only "e"s and "a"s, If it was "p"s and "q"s you would have to mind them.
....I did that too, but all the text spilled off the screen onto the floor and left me with quite a mess to clean up. Still finding "e's" ad "a's" under the desk. :cheese:
(I,m not sure how to edit a quote and keep it in the box)
I actually have my tower side on with the back accessible for all my plugs!,
I know it is to look neater but I myself wonder why everything has plugs at the back, it is a pain
I think they should go on the side, esp on tv's.
....Thank you.
This is the reason I enjoy RPGs over board games and MMOs. I look at it as collective story telling (when you have a good gaming group like I am currently in). I just never could get into MMOs as typing what a character says is not the same as actually saying it. As I used to be in theatre (did some "on stage" as well as technical work) and became fairly good at characterisation. After watching a lot of BBC programming (particularly news programmes) I developed a fairly convincing set of regional UK (as well as Polish, German Russian, Croatian and Serbian) accents. Because of this, all my NPCs developed distinct personalities, which is something impossible to pull off over the net.
The scary thing is it became so natural for me that I sometimes still find myself slipping into it in RL
Beginning next month one of the members is GM-Ing a sort of follow on to my last SR campaign which is more focused on the role play rather than '"roll play" aspect. I will be playing Leela's adoptive mother, Her Grace Meggan Grande, Duchess of Swindon (who was an NPC in the SR campaign). It promises to involve a lot of intrigue as even several of the nobility were becoming right displeased with the way the country was heading under the hand of the Lord Protector (think Oliver Cromwell in the 21st century).
As to the old hard drive, I still have it sealed up and safely stored away. It was pretty much the boot sector which was causing the error. I learned that I may be able to rescue the files if I hooked it up as an auxiliary drive which might let me bypass the bad sectors. I picked up a powered external drive enclosure to see if it would work. There is a lot of important stuff on that drive including the original London/Croatia SR campaign Kelly's and Leela's (which was something like 75 pages in Word) background stories and the working outline for my Rhapsody in Shadow story that grew out of the campaign as well as all my old Daz scene files and .jpg renders.
♬♬♭ lah di dah♪♬♯♬♪ laa la♬♬ la la♭♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭ dah♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪ dah dah ♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪la dee dee ♬♬♭♪ dah♬♯♬♪ la la oops cow pats!!!♨♨♨♨♨
♬♬♭ lah di dah♪♬♯♬♪ laa la♬♬ la la♭♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭ dah♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪ dah dah ♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪la dee dee ♬♬♭♪ dah♬♯♬♪ la la oops cow pats!!!♨♨♨♨♨
♬♬♭ lah di dah♪♬♯♬♪ laa la♬♬ la la♭♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭ dah♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪ dah dah ♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪♬♬♭♪♬♯♬♪la dee dee ♬♬♭♪ dah♬♯♬♪ la la oops cow pats!!!♨♨♨♨♨
so happy I got character map for Andoid app! ½☎♛♤♡♝♧♥♣♛♚♘♗☜⚄⚂♂♀シッツ
Come to think of it, some of those ideas on how to save the village from fire-breathing dragons do seem pretty stupid. :-S
This is more likely the real scenario: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7lsbwm-dvc&feature=related :wink:
I loved that Cyn thank you!! Really gives you something to think about. Now the Stupid part just for Stupids sake.
@ Kyoto Kid, let me know if and when you get some stories posted to any site. I'm stuck alone now days, all my RPG friends have moved away. We still enjoy blabbing on the phone about the old days but it's just too far for any of us to get together again. I tried starting a new group but thought better of it when only 15-18 year olds started asking to join. I dont think I need people wondering why my house is full of kids.
:down: :shut: And you know what? This makes me even more sad, that there's a reason for anyone to suspect that something bad must be afoot. As a kid, I was more at home with adults and elders than kids of my age. When I grew up, I automatically homed in to people older than me for company; my friends were regularly at least 3+ years older than I was. My Significant Otter is 7 years older than I am. I got introduced to RPGs by a group that was significantly older than I was, and most importantly, all male. I was the only girl gaming.
I can't help but to despair when I think of a world where people frown upon different generations mingling and having fun, because that's pretty much all I've ever known; even today, I'm socially awkward around people of my own age. Yeah, it is not your fault that people have caught some kind of strange mass hysteria... it sucks. But it also terrifies me because that means kids today are going to miss out some important things about life: older people are usually more willing to discuss difficult topics than kids' parents, and I don't mean stuff like sex. I mean stuff like "tell me how it used to be when you were a kid" and "granny, what does 'death' mean".
That said, you could try to host the game for youngsters in a public space, in a game store for example.
I would host off site Skiriki but I'm disabled and mostly homebound. I have and have GMed theses great games, and do very good as I've been told at making my NPCs into people. D&D, D&DA; 1-3.5, Marvel Super Heros, MSHs Advanced and Ultimate Powers, Shadow Runner Version 1, GURPS, Travler, and the STAR WARS RPG. I've been a RPG fan for over 30+ years.
I miss all the fun and company. In my days as host (21-26 years old) we ran games that lasted 48 hours every other weekend. With breaks for sleep and such, just 4-6 players then but we all loved it. One campain lasted for a full year.
Heres my stupid part. I got no people to RPG with anymore.
Have you tried to game online with Maptools or other similar virtual tabletop programs? RPG.net's forums have a section for recruiting people for online games.
I don't wanna be pushy, just noting that these things are there, and you could take advantage of them. :)
HELP!! I've posted and ran everybody off!
Nobody got the stupids today?
I have a stupid headache. :sick:
I should be cleaning the kitchen. I think there is something in Melody's eye, but she said a little "meow" when I tried to have a closer look.
With the right can of cat food or cat treat one can change a cat's mind about that.
Waaaaaah! Richard chucked the BBS club out of the New User section! Into the Commons! Does that qualify as stupid? :lol:
Maybe the users are no longer new users so it had to be in the commons. shrug
It's back where it belongs.
Yeah it just went for a little walk round, to see what the other forums were like, before it went back to it's spritual home.
And BTW taking about stupid