Install Manager Problems

Hello Everyone:

Not sure if it's just me or a larger problem, but for some reason I cannot connect to DAZ Install Manager today. I keep trying (tried about 6-7 times now) and I keep getting the same error message, "Unable to login to the specified account.Verify the email and/or password and try again." Of course, I logged in last night and downloaded stuff and my username and password didn't magically change. Oh, and I'm logged in here with no problems and could purchase stuff this morning, so not quite sure why this is happening. I've received this error before, but it generally fixed after a couple of minutes. This has been going on for an hour now.




  • The same happens to me. It must be a problem on the website. As I do not solve it I doubt that I will continue to buy something.

  • celà dure depuis le début de matinée  instal manager et daz connect ne fonctionnent pas, et aucune nouvelle du coté de DAZ pour nous informer.... Mais je remarque aussi que depuis quelques mois le probème se répète régulièrement...

  • The account can not be accessed by install manager or by daz studio. Login does not recognize it

  • Having the same problem. Worked fine yesterday.

    Unfortunately I didn't see this thread until *after* I bought something (which cannot be installed and used at the moment). Maybe time to try the manual install option, if it exists for the product.

  • WandWWandW Posts: 2,847

    Me too; Hope it's fixed soon...

  • I'll add my  "me too" as well. Install manager will not connect.

  • Same here. :) Hasn't been working all morning (UK time). 

  • kervalakervala Posts: 186

    Same here :( I hope I'll be able to connect, I'll like to reinstall a version of a tool :(

  • This has been reported. Since there are already several threads on the topic I will close this one.

This discussion has been closed.