Creating a packet of my project possible?

Hello. I want to save a project/scene I made and all assets used in one packet. The scene uses various resources some, like texures I made myself and prob-object files are not even in the DAZ folder structure but located elsewhere on the hard disk. Is it possible to collect all of the assets in one packet and save them together so that I don't have to collect and assign everything manually?



  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    I am not entirely sure what you are asking. I assume that you know how to save a scene in DAZ Studio? That will contain all the references to all the content used in the scene regardless of where you have stored those individual assets. If, on the other hand, you are asking whether you can collect all those assets and move or copy them all to a central location for use in that particular scene, then the answer is yes, but you are going to need to recreate your scene. Once you move the files and attempt to open your original scene file, DAZ Studio will no longer be able to find those files, and throw error messages. You could hypothetically open and edit the scene file (yourscene.duf), by changing all the paths to the content to reflect the new locations, but this could be a big job and prone to error. Most people probably would prefer not to go there, as .duf files can be huge for a complex scene.

    Long story short, what you are wanting (collecting all the necessary content and placing it in a single location) is really something that is best done before you create your scene. Also, it is always better to place the content that you are using in your content library so DAZ Studio knows where to find it when and if it needs to. I have done the same thing that you have myself, but only when I believe that I am never likely to be needing to re-open or re-render that scene (and occasionally I regret it).

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    I know what you asking and there is no software that will take a scene file and create an archive of it and all the pieces needed to recreate the scene and nothing else. There is a product in the store that will list the location and the products used to make a scene but it won't then make an archive of that scene. For what you want to do it is easiest to export each component of the scene from DAZ and rebuilt in scene in a 3rd party program, however you are not allowed to redistribute or share that with anyone. You could buy a game license but you are still not allowed to share the scene you created except as a animation in a. Oreo format, a still render, or in a game and the player of the game cannot be able to export any elements of the scene that you bought in the DAZ store and bought a DAZ game development license for.

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