RRRR October-November Winners!

Here are the winners of the RRRR October render contest
All Prizes are donated by the following sponsors:
Ken OBanion has put in $100 in DAZ GCs
Bohemian3 has put in $30 in DAZ CGs
belovedalia has put in $10 in DAZ GCs
Jaderail has put in $20 in DAZ GCs
Barbult has put in $20 in DAZ GCs
Micky_3D has put in $20 in DAZ GCs
Luci45 has put in $20 in DAZ GCs
ARTCollaborations has put in $20 in DAZ GCs
Winner in the Best category is: Sasje #6
Second place in the best category is: adacey #1
Third place in the best category is: Luci45 #3
Fourth place in the best category is: barbult #5
Winner in the funniest category is: Denny L #1
Second place in the funniest category is: Winterlace #4
Third place in the funniest category is: Luci45 #4
Fourth place in the funniest category is: barbult #4 & KaribousBoutique #3
The prices are (in each category):
First prize: $60 in DAZ GCs + BWC Morphing Country Road
Second place: $40 in DAZ GCs + BWC Guillotine
Third place: $15 in DAZ GCs + BWC 80s Punk
Fourth place: $5 in DAZ GCs
... One more thing!
This month we are adding a new twist to the RRRR contest. Bohemian3 (who is a teacher) has volunteered to pick and award a best newcomer with a $10 gift certificate to encourage new members to post! The November 2012 Best Newcomer is warmblood.
Winning entries will soon be up, and prizes will start to arrive as soon as it has been sorted.
BIG Congrats to everyone who took part of this, the sponsors, the voters and of course the winners!
Best Category winners
Funniest / most amusing Category
Congrats to all the winners....and watch out, we'll get cha next time...
Congratz everyone! Was a fun contest :D
I'm confused (again). The posted winning pictures don't exactly match the posted winner list.
Sorry Barbult ....
I got the images reversed.
Congrats everyone, a lot of great renders!
Still not matching in the funniest category. Text says I won 4th, but that is not my entry in the winning image picture. And it shows a 5th place. Do we have a 5th place award?
Congratulations to the worthy winners!
And well done to everyone else who entered this fun competition.
With special thanks to the organisers and sponsors too.
Still not matching in the funniest category. Text says I won 4th, but that is not my entry in the winning image picture. And it shows a 5th place. Do we have a 5th place award?
Looks like s tie barbult, 4th and a half for you both)
Congratulations to the winners! Well done everyone. This was another great one!
Wooooow !! thanks everyone :-) and congratulations to the other winners and let’s not forget the other people in the contest. All great renders.
And also thanks to the organizers and sponsors too.
It was fun
Congratulations to all the winners...A very high standard there
Wow, I saw a few posts from people that I'd gotten a few votes but with all the great entries I wasn't expecting to place 2nd. I haven't participated in a lot of contests and this is the first time I've placed with one of my images.
Thanks to everyone who participated.
Congratulations to the winners! Well done!!
Wow... I'm honored. This may be the only nice thing to happen to me all week -- I'm very glad I was able to spread some laughter. :)
Congrats to all of the winners and what an honor and big surprise for me! I'm definitely encouraged and looking forward to the next RRRR contest.
Well done to all the winners! Congrats.
Congrats to the winners! :)
It's already up and running!
Congrats to the winners and to all of us. Another great and fun contest. Thank you, Totte and Bohemian3 and sponsors! :-)
I'm flattered that people enjoyed my render that much. I was just being silly in creating the scene. So glad I was able to provide amusement for others.
Congratulations to the other winners and to all who summitted a render. It was a fun contest.
Just checking, everyone got their prizes?
It's before xmas and they head is full of other things, like stuff that needs to be finished before the end of they year, so if anyone feels left out, dont be shy, yell here and I'll check it out.
Yup, all good here. I got my prize, and I confirmed that the recipient of my sponsored prize got it too.
I never got my prize! ;P
I've got both prizes, no problems.
Got both of my gift cards and the bonus item, no problems here.
I got mine also. :cheese: