Smart Content Empty
So ever since upgrading to 4.9 my Smart Content has been empty. Not a huge deal as I have been animating in various scene created in Daz 4.8 so I just open them in 4.9 and carry on. But I'd like to now build a new scene and I wonder why my Content manager is empty. Oddly enough, when I go into Install Manager and re-install a product, it will appear in Smart Content, but when I close and re-open Daz 4.9, Smart Content is empty again. So that connection is apparenlty being lost every time I shut down. I'm using Daz 4.9 on a Mac Pro Tower. Any ideas?
That sounds as if you were still using the Valentina database engine, presumably you have now installed PostgreSQL but the old database wasn't converted. Did you in fact run the Valentina to postgreSQL Conversion tool - if so it should be listed in the installed tab of Install Manager? If you did and it failed that probably indicates a corrupt Valentina databse (the tendency to corrupt was a major reason for the switch of engines). If you hadn't, back up your current database (Content Library option menu, the lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab, Content DB Maintenance, check Export, click Accept), then run the conversion tool - if that works it will transfer the old list across, but you may then need to reimport the metadata (again, Content Library option menu, Content DB Maintenance, check reimport this time, Accept, Accept) to get your own entries - I'm not certain on this, so look before you do the reimport..
Thanks. I hadn't heard about Valentina before. I do see it is in my Library...scripts...utilities folder "Import metadata from Valentina.dsa". How is this conversion tool run? Is it from some button within Daz, or an external program run separately from Daz? Confusing the issue in my case is that, for a variety of security reasons, my Daz Mac is not connected to the net.
Hmm, I hadn't noticed the script - it was an item in Install manager which, when "installed", attemtped to convert the data - which was why I told you to check the Installed tab of DIM.
Yeah, I can't find it in Install Manager.