Problems installing DAz 4.9 on a mac

in New Users
Ive been playing with DAz previoulsy but just downloaded 4.9, however I have several problems - on opeing the software I have no menu bar.
When using the download manager I get an error regarding incorrect paths - Im really not great at this installing and repairing stuff so any help will be very apreciated!! (step by step help if possible) Im supplying a few screen shots.... Thank you in advance!!

Screen Shot 2016-11-18 at 19.24.55.png
562 x 275 - 38K

Screen Shot 2016-11-18 at 19.25.02.png
619 x 214 - 41K

Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 12.05.24.png
656 x 366 - 61K

Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 12.11.57.png
2227 x 1211 - 359K
The missing path is because, if you have a supported version of Photoshop, you haven't told Install manager where it is - if you do have Photoshop CS4 or later click the gear icon at top-right of the Install manager interface to open preferences, then go to the Applications tab, click + to set up a new application and set the details for your version of Photoshop, then click the ... button to set the path. If you don't have Photoshop CS4+ then you won't be able to use the Photoshop Bridge, but you will still be able to achieve the same tasks using the various render saving and imamge application commands.
There's no menu bar at the very top of the screen? I can see bits of desktop behind DS at the top so it's not clear where the top of the screen is.
Did you change any of the paths during installation? I've found that the default paths must be used, even if you tell DIM and Studio where to find things.
Is the CC version of PS supported yet?
It was, as I recall, but there has been a fairly recent CC update which may have broken that.
Looks like PS 2017 gets installed in a sub-directory under Applications. I'll give it a try.