Question About Morphs

in New Users
Hey!. I have an Question.. i made my Own Morphs, and than Importet it in Daz3D, it Works really great.. than i SAW my Morphs have Problems With the Teeth..they are all Goota Smoothed.. can i do Exclude Teeth in my Morphs? I made 6 Pcs.. Everytime one more Smoother Teeth..
Hope someone can Help me..
If you are making morphs for the Genesis 3 line, there is an on by default morph Mouth Realism, that will 'double' if you don't turn it off before exporting the base to work on. There is also a Navel morph that should be turned off, too.
In future apply mjc's advice. With the morphs you have created,
Hey mjc, and Hey Richard !
Awesome, thats what i Needed!, B I G THANKS!
.. oh and How i can Turn them Off, when im Export?(Mouth and Navel)
In the Parameters pane look at the Currently used group and zero everything it shows (click on the number and type 0)
Allright, so i just need to Zero out the Morphs Gotcha, By the Way one More Question, is there a Way to Copy a Morph directly in Parameters Tab?
Thanks for your Answers!
Big Help.
What do you mean by copying a morph to the Parameters pane? Any (non-hidden) morphs for a figure will appear when the figure is selected.
I Mean When i Have like "Closed Eyes" in my Parameters Tab I want to have 2, so i want to Copy it
1 is for Bake my Model, for Adjust the Eyes Size, and One to Export it, TO make an Eyes Closing Animated Scene, or To Use on Idle State in Ue4,
I'm still not following.
There is Shaping for changing to eye size and there is Posing for animating the eyes. Those are different.
There is also sometimes parameters to change eyes and other things but those are considered most of the time as Shaping parameters, not animating parameters, but not always - eg, the Peony Kimono I bought has parameters for posing the sleeves they can can used both for Shaping the kimono sleeves and Posing (animating) the kimono sleeves.