How can I lock this property?

in New Users
How can I lock this property in order to don't have to reset it at the value I want each time I enter to Daz?

1366 x 728 - 130K
*The name of the property is "Max Samples" in the render settings tab
Is it getting set when you load a scene, or when you launch DS? Do you have a default startup scene set in Edit > Preferences > Startup?
Thanks Mike! I fixed it!!
I'm not sure there is a way to do that permanently. Like @Fixmypcmike suggests, a defautl startup scene usually works best. Open DS and change all of the settings to reflect how you want to set up the workspace exactly. For example, mine is set so that the Iray render is the default engine and the settings are minimum settings are set to zero. I have also replaced the HDR in the Environment to the one I like for my default scenes. I also have a camera all set up with the head blocker set to off and a few other things that are important to me that I don't want to have to do each time. Save your scene to whatever you want. Mine says MyDefault.duf then open then go to Edit>Preferences>Startup, click on the square that says Load File: and Browse to your file and select it as the startup file.