Genesis 3 figures disappeared from my "Smart Content" folder

I am a complete beginner at Daz3D, and 3D software in genersl, but have done some basic tutorials, and can load figures and pose them, with enough of it sinking in that I am starting to get really interested.

I am a retired software engineer so I know my way around PCs and Windows.

I have Daz Studio 4.9 installed with the Install Manager. I also installed the free content including Genesis 2, and Genesis 3 Starter Essentials, which showed up automatically in the Install Manager. I purchased some G3F figures from the Daz3D web site.  Planning for the future, I also Purchased Victoria 4.2, having read in the forums that she is a good place to start.

A few days ago I noticed that the Genesis 3 Male and Female icons no longer appeared in my Smart Content folder, also Toulouse hair had disappeared as well. I have used these so I know they were there before. By contrast, Victoria 4.2 still appears in my smart content.

I uninstalled everything in the install manager and installed it again, including the free content.  The install files are there in C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads and the files for the installed items seem to be all there, for example C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Hair\Toulouse Hair.  I just don't see them in the Smart Content folder, nor do I see them in the Content Manager pane.

I have checked the Content Directory Manager in Edit->Preferences, and the entry for Daz Studio Formats matches C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library

Can anyone help?



  • Are the files showing in the Content Library pane, under Daz Studio Formats>My DAZ 3D Library>People>Genesis whichever? If you look at their entry for the items in the Installed tab of Install Manager is there a tick in the database column (the oen with a lined cylinder at the top)?

  • 1. Yes, they do appear there.  I hadn't ever been to that location before. 

    2. Some of the items in the Installed list do have ticks, but most don't.  Should they all be ticked?

  • Some items don't include metadata, but things that should appear in Smart Content will and should show a check in the database column. If they don't it may be that you closed DS and launched DIM before PostgreSQL had finished shutting down from DS - it's better to leave both DS and DIM open if you want to install during a work session to avoid this, or close DS after DIM has started.

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