Genesis 3 figures disappeared from my "Smart Content" folder

I am a complete beginner at Daz3D, and 3D software in genersl, but have done some basic tutorials, and can load figures and pose them, with enough of it sinking in that I am starting to get really interested.
I am a retired software engineer so I know my way around PCs and Windows.
I have Daz Studio 4.9 installed with the Install Manager. I also installed the free content including Genesis 2, and Genesis 3 Starter Essentials, which showed up automatically in the Install Manager. I purchased some G3F figures from the Daz3D web site. Planning for the future, I also Purchased Victoria 4.2, having read in the forums that she is a good place to start.
A few days ago I noticed that the Genesis 3 Male and Female icons no longer appeared in my Smart Content folder, also Toulouse hair had disappeared as well. I have used these so I know they were there before. By contrast, Victoria 4.2 still appears in my smart content.
I uninstalled everything in the install manager and installed it again, including the free content. The install files are there in C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads and the files for the installed items seem to be all there, for example C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 3 Female\Hair\Toulouse Hair. I just don't see them in the Smart Content folder, nor do I see them in the Content Manager pane.
I have checked the Content Directory Manager in Edit->Preferences, and the entry for Daz Studio Formats matches C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library
Can anyone help?
Are the files showing in the Content Library pane, under Daz Studio Formats>My DAZ 3D Library>People>Genesis whichever? If you look at their entry for the items in the Installed tab of Install Manager is there a tick in the database column (the oen with a lined cylinder at the top)?
1. Yes, they do appear there. I hadn't ever been to that location before.
2. Some of the items in the Installed list do have ticks, but most don't. Should they all be ticked?
Some items don't include metadata, but things that should appear in Smart Content will and should show a check in the database column. If they don't it may be that you closed DS and launched DIM before PostgreSQL had finished shutting down from DS - it's better to leave both DS and DIM open if you want to install during a work session to avoid this, or close DS after DIM has started.