Help_scenes open in DAZ much too big


Hi guys when I open my saved scenes_subscenes they fill my entire room, any idea how I can keep em to fit my screen

I've searched the forums but can't find it, if it's there?

Drivin me nuts, I am an enthusiastic beginner .

Appreciate any help

Dangerous doug


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Hi doug,

    this sounds like a scaling problem. Can you check the scene subset, if the scale is too large?

  • You mean scenes saved as native files - .duf? How do you know theya re too big - are they dwarfing newly loaded content, or is it just that theya re filling more of the view than you expected? If the latter, you need to remember that the Perspective View is not saved (and is not added to the undo stack during a session) - if you want the view to be remembered you need to use a real camera, from the tool bar or from the Create menu. If you want to copy the current Perspective View then when creating a camera click the Show More button at bottom right of the dialogue and select the option to copy current viewport transforms.

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