Different light when changing from 3Delight to Iray


I arranged a light setup ( FullMoon Spotlight and Fiery Genesis Lights), but if I render in Iray it always looks like day (I already turned off all Headlamps). What is going wrong?

thanking you in anticipation!


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    My guess is that you need to change the environment setting. Go to the render settings tab and then enviroment. At the top of that list is environment mode and the default is Dome and Scene if I remember correctly. If you change it to scene only then it will no longer use the environmental dome to light the scene as well.

  • Thanks so much Khory, that's it. Beginners mistake.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    Very welcome..and don't worry.. I still make that mistake sometimes!

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The fiery genesis light set uses UberEnvironment lighting that will not work in Iray

  • Yes, remember that only the default D|S lights will still work if you switch from 3Delight to Iray — and even these will probably need some tweaking to get an equivalent lighting effect. Custom lights like Uber, AoA, etc. from before Iray was added are very definitely 3Delight only.

    Note that it might well be possible to create Iray equivalents of some of these 3Delight-only lights, it's just that no-one's done it yet.

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