Can you use HD add ons together with NGS Anagenessis

Hi can you use both? And if yes how do you do it? Like which should come first? And how will the results be? :)


  • One is a morph, the other a texture, so yes they mix. (HD refers to the mesh resolution, not to image size.)

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I'd recommend you also look at the offiial thread for the product; there are quite a few tips and tricks, and how to handle various skin types.

  • One is a morph, the other a texture, so yes they mix. (HD refers to the mesh resolution, not to image size.)

    The HD add on is the morph? And it only applies to a certain charcter right? Since most of the character variants for example of Victoria 7 like Eva 7 are already in HD?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Actually, V7 or E7 are not really HD out of the box, even though they are at SubD level. They have specific HD morphs. The HD morphs can be used with any G3F female, but of course, you might experience discrepancy between skin and HD, but in general, it works. Also, you can use the HD morph of any other female. For example, I like to use the Opal HD morphs to give a bit of extra age to a character.

  • BeeMKay said:

    Actually, V7 or E7 are not really HD out of the box, even though they are at SubD level. They have specific HD morphs. The HD morphs can be used with any G3F female, but of course, you might experience discrepancy between skin and HD, but in general, it works. Also, you can use the HD morph of any other female. For example, I like to use the Opal HD morphs to give a bit of extra age to a character.

    Ooh that's cool! So the HD add on is a morph? Also Aren't there already character variants that are already HD out of the box? I just forgot the names and can you use two shaders in one charcter? Because I just thought if you could use the NGS and the HDRI optimized skin together in one charcter. I think they are both shaders. :)

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