Insane Mystery Light Destryoing my Scene
I just took advantage of the big sale right now and picked up an environment I've had my eye on. I decided to give it a test render and have some fun with it but there is this crazy light coming from somewhere and it is blanching out my scene. My first thought was that the set came with some light rig that was cranked up way to high but after expanding all the scene elements, I don't see any light present. I tried searching for it in perspective view but to no avail. Does anyone know what is happeneing? I have NO other lights loaded into the scene and am rendering in Iray.

1920 x 1054 - 407K

1509 x 921 - 1M
Post edited by DDCreate on
Make sure the camera headlamp is set to off.
I rendered that in Perspective View. Does that have a headlamp too?
Yes. In the Environment tab of the render setting, change Auto Lamp from "When no light in scene" to "Never"
Yup! That did the trick! Thank you Fishtales and Bee :) I'll try to remember that from now on.
If you're rendering in Iray, don't forget there is also a default Environment light. This is blocked for indoor scenes (remember that a skydome counts as "indoor") but will affect scene lighting if you have an outdoor scene.