Exclude an object of a light source

hello , i want to Exclude an object of a light source ( in  daz studio) ,it is possible?

thank you for your answer !



  • Iray or 3Delight?

    Do you mean you want one object to be unaffected by one light source, while taking light from others? In 3Delight you can do that with the Age of Armour Advanced lights, in Iray you can do it using Light Path Expressions in the Advanced>Canvasses tab of Render Settings.

  •   yes , i want one object to be unaffected by one light source if possible in Iray ,i want  use special  device ligth , one light for one object !


  • PhiloppPhilopp Posts: 293

    IRay is a physical engine, which means that the objects and light sources react as if they are physically. So in my opinion this is not possible. You need to find some other solution. For example with afterwork: You can render your scene twice: One time with the light source and one time without. Then you cut your object from the second render and insert it into the render with the light source. Should be doable with Gimp or PhotoShop.

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    In Iray you would do this with the canvas feature. Richard mentioned light path expressions; this topic is far more complex, and you don't necessarily need it for what you're wanting to do. You can use a node-based canvas render instead (with these, the objects in the light path expression are defined for you).

    Both canvases and light path expressions have been discussed here in many threads, such as this one (using light nodes and canvases):


    For more do a google or bing search on this subject (you can try a forum search, but don't expect quality results). In the end, you'll likely produce at least two images that then must be combined, so you will need a graphics program like Photoshop or Gimp.

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