indoor lighting

What am I missing. When i add a light in After Effects, everything gets BRIGHTER. I've been playing with the inside of this cabin for 3 days and have had NO success. I've rendered the cabin with NO lights except the candle and what looks like ambient outdoor (the preset for the cabin). I need it brighter so I add a light. It brightens  the scene nicely in the Viewport - but does NOTHING in my render. I MUST be missing something here - is there a swich or setting I need to turn on?


Thank you

1713 x 583 - 226K


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Which renderer are you using?


  • PhiloppPhilopp Posts: 293


    if I see correctly you are using a point light, right? And I take you are rendering with 3Delignt? Point light has a quite strong fall off radius. My experience was that you need to move the light quite close to the scene you want to light up. It is a light source which is actually quite difficult to handle and you need to experiment with the radius and intensity. The result could be very surprising because of the fall off of this light source. You may find that your scene is not uniformly lighted as you want or that the shadows behave not in the way you want.

    For 3Delight for indoor lighting (if you want to light up a scene uniformly) I would recommend a distant light and make sure that the light source and the walls don't cast shadow.

    For IRay for indoor lighting I usually use a plane or a sphere and put a mesh light shader (light the IRay Uber shader) on it. This creates an effect that is very similar to the indirect lighting which is also used in movies for dark scenes.



  • iRay...

  • PhiloppPhilopp Posts: 293

    With IRay as I said I usually use a mesh light. There is a very good tutorial by SickleYield which basically helped me to learn how to use it. Basically it is quite easy: Create a simple form, for example a plane or a sphere (it depends on how do you want to light your scene). Put the IRay Uber shader on it. Select the color your want the light to shine (default is black, which means the surface will not emit any light), so the shader will only work if you change it to a different color. Then change the intensity of the light. I believe default is set to 1500, which is too weak. For a normal daylight setting I usually put it to 1,000,000 or 2,000,000. If you just want to give the scene a bit light to keep the darkness in effect, probably something like 10,000, you need to experiment to see which value works for you.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    Philopp said:

    With IRay as I said I usually use a mesh light. There is a very good tutorial by SickleYield which basically helped me to learn how to use it. Basically it is quite easy: Create a simple form, for example a plane or a sphere (it depends on how do you want to light your scene). Put the IRay Uber shader on it. Select the color your want the light to shine (default is black, which means the surface will not emit any light), so the shader will only work if you change it to a different color. Then change the intensity of the light. I believe default is set to 1500, which is too weak. For a normal daylight setting I usually put it to 1,000,000 or 2,000,000. If you just want to give the scene a bit light to keep the darkness in effect, probably something like 10,000, you need to experiment to see which value works for you.

    Actually, it's better to use the Emissive preset, in the same folder as the Iray has the settings that can cause problems with the Uber turned off by default.

  • Philopp,


    Thank you - This DOES help a lot. Converting all my layers to iRay seemed to help too. I'll try converting them to the Emissive shader.... I'll keep experimenting...


    Thanks again,



  • Hmm, still no luck... I have now spent a week just trying to light this room. I tried the mesh light - adding it to a sphere and putting the iRay Uber on it (making it white)... but still no light at all (1).


    When I render the default scene (3), it lights with seemingly some ambient light and candle and fireplace light. When I add a Point light and really bump up the settings.... Nothong again (3).


    The ONLY thing that lights the scene is the fireplace light. So I looked for a light there. The fire emits light, but I see no parameters for it other than XYX and scale. When I scale and move it, it it DOES brighten the scene. What is this fireplace light - how do I access it's parameters. Can I create other 'lights' like this and change color? For some reason Spot and Point lights do nothing….


    getting pretty frustrated....



    1470 x 1150 - 341K
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited November 2016

    Please have a look at this thread, maybe it will help you?'s examples with settings starting from post 9. Can you check out your surface settings for the emissive, and perhaps post your surface settings?

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • hhhhhh
  • OOPS! The last comment by me was done in error. Couldn't find a way to delete or edit it. Sorry.
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