Practical/Lamps/Ceiling Lights HELP

in New Users
I have toggled the setting for the practical lights in the "Hotel" environment but nothing shows up on the render. How does one get practical lights to work as they should? Is there more than one method or just one simple one? Perhaps there are settings in render I am missing? All advice most welcome!!! Many thanks :)

Screen Shot 2016-11-08 at 21.09.05.png
2150 x 2210 - 1M
Which Hotel is that, and are you rendering in Iray (the default) or 3Delight? If it'sd an older set it may be set up for 3Delight only, using the Ambient colour/strength to make the lights look lit - that won't cast light, and won't work at all in Iray.
Ok yes very good. I am in Iray so I cannot do as you say. How do I work around that? Can I add point lights (or something else) that are placed over the practicals, to which you could then toggle those lights so they are visible in the render to give a similar effect? Any idea how that might work if if its possible? Any other work arounds for Iray or does Iray just not get any practical set lights even if for aesthetics only? That environment is "Hotel Room 2101 or Welcome to Suite 2101". Thanks again.
You could select the light surfaces and apply the Emiisive shader preset, from the iray shader presets folder, to it/them then adjust the emissive colour and values. You could also use a regule point or spot light and set its geometry to match the approximate shape of the light.