Genesis 3 figurs / 3Delight


If I want to use the 3Delight for rendering Genesis 3 figures, is there anything I've to follow to get acceptable renders (maybe selecting different textures or change anything else) or can I change the render engine to 3Delight and immediately start to render?




  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    You'd want to change the texture to 3Delight from the material options that come with the characters. And while many characters come with 3Delight textures, there are quite a few G3 characters that only have Iray textures.

    In that case (no 3DL textures), you'd have to make a test render to see if the character actually works in 3DL. In worst case scenario, you'll have to apply a different 3DL skin. You could then go and switch the key textures manually, and adjust the 3DL shaders until the result suits you.

  • Hey Bee, thanks very much for the answer, I will follow your suggestion. I noticed that you are managing the the group "Selbsthilfegruppe...." und werde dort gerne auch mal vorbeischauen ;-)

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Hallo Tom,

    good luck on the skins, und die Gruppe managed sich eigentlich selbst. Hab damals nur den Thread gestartet. wink Du bist dort sehr gerne willkommen. Viele nette Leute dort. smiley

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