Someone needs to answer the bloody phones at Daz!

Today is the final day of Black November sales & I have been trying to get sales support on the phone for almost a week, now. I need to spend about $100 and I can't get any service.
Can somebody go over there and poke the person(s) that are supposed to be answering the phones?
I have money to spend and none of my promotions are showing up in my cart. I couldn't even get this week's PC freebie because the system is not recognizing my PC is active.
But to ignore paying customers is very UN-businesslike.
Have you sent in a support ticket those are usually answer within 48 hrs. As not everyone can phone for free its possible that sales are trying to catch up on tickets before answering the phone.
Do you still have access to the member forum?
Sorry to hear that, wish you luck with that.
In any retail environment, phones, at least those for sales, should always be answered first. And I think the last time I actually had a support ticket responded to in a reasonable manner, Stephanie 4 had just come out, that's if I ever heard anything back at all.
And yes, I can still access the members only forum. My account shows my PC membership as active, but for the last few freebies I wanted, I had to call in for them to fix some or other glitch in the PC system before it would work.
As Daz have customers from all over the world answering phones first would be giving preferential treatment to those in the US and other tickets which were put in earlier would have to wait; not a fair system, I have never had a problem getting a ticket sorted within 48 hours; I do not have the luxury of being able to phone so only ever use the contact button and appreciate the fact that the staff are working on tickets as well as answering the phone.
Anyone can call an 800 number, can't they? And they are not the only international company on the planet. If other companies can manage ...
And I am glad you have had a good support ticket experience. But my last experience was with the new website changes, and after two months of waiting to have download access to products I paid for, it finally got fixed with a phone call.
I guess I spend full price on what I need this time and start shopping elsewhere for the majority of my needs.
I've never seen a company so ready to lose money.
I'm in the UK so no its not a free phone call, the 800 number is only free to those inside the US.
Have you tried hitting the ctrl and F5 key, I've found this can sometimes help when things arn't showing the correct price despite being logged in.
Well, "other" companies are larger and can afford to hire people to answer phones 24 hours a day, or hire another company to do it for them. DAZ is a tiny company so I doubt they have the resources.
A bigger problem is time zones. Not everyone can stay up until 3am on a weekday in order to call DAZ.
Where are you calling from? Maybe DAZ is closed when your awake.
Well, "other" companies are larger and can afford to hire people to answer phones 24 hours a day, or hire another company to do it for them. DAZ is a tiny company so I doubt they have the resources.
A bigger problem is time zones. Not everyone can stay up until 3am on a weekday in order to call DAZ.
Where are you calling from? Maybe DAZ is closed when your awake.
I am not asking for 24 hours ... just during posted business hours would be nice.
I am in Memphis TN ... just a couple hour difference. Like I said, I used to be able to call and get my questions about products and glitches resolved after a couple tries. But two weeks of no answering phones is business suicide.
Can you buy what you want in the sale now, and refund the other items later?
With stuff in the make your own bundle being incredibly cheap, it would be a shame not to miss out .
My feeling about phones really as that they are becoming obsolete.
If you can do a work request, and get something done faster, because people have time to research your problem- and in the case of sales support finding an order, and your transaction number can take some time- then requesting a refund via request might just be the way to go.
Sort of my point. It doesn't get done faster with a support ticket ... it gets ignored.
Why I needed them to answer is my sales prices, the bundle prices, are not showing up right. It's not giving me my PC membership rate. I didn't get the last two PC 'freebies' either, because they are not showing up as free for me, even during check out.
I just paid what check-out told me was due and I will now stop expecting to get deals membership supposedly is paying for.
I never get my $6.99 coupon, I never get the PC freebies unless I call, I don't get the PC discounts in cart. The only discounts are the ones everybody is getting.
If you mean the $6 voucher you have to put a code in at checkout its no longer automatically in your account like it use to be, its also only useable on Daz Originals.
I'm presuming that you have logged out cleared our cache and logged back in again and any other hope jumping neccassary to get the site to recognise you correctly.
I have only even seen that 'voucher' in my mail once. I can't find it in my account anywhere else.
I've already checked out. But regardless, everything ya'll have mentioned I've tried. The only time I've ever gotten it to show up is when I've called. CS told me it was a glitch on the new site, that they are aware of it, to just call when it happens. Only lately they don't answer phones.
With the deadlines I have, waiting 48 or three weeks or three months is not an option. I run a business and time is money.
So ... I just sucked it up and paid minus my PC discount.
Coupon code is in the PC email every week, it is also in the members only forum, on a sticky post, with instrauction son how to use it and what it applies to.
Thanks. At least I'll get that much out of my membership, since the site refuses to acknowledge my active status in my cart or during deals like this recent bundle deal. I only received the 70%, not the 82%.
This is actually quite humorous. I search the forums for an issue, with the Black November sale not working when you put things in your basket, and find a series of posts that read just like my problem. On closer examination I see they are from last year. Apparently the same goblins in the works are raising heck with DA3d's Black November sale for a second time. I posted a ticket, waited a couple of days and then tried to call them, as the original poster did, and got an answering service that told me it would probably be Monday before they responded to my ticket. The sale will have ended by then but I think they will honor it all the same. At least they have someone answering the phones. They can't help you but they answer.
On another note this is where I lose continuity to the OP. I did want the items for a Thanksgiving Day image I am working on but it is for fun and family entertainment not work. The real loss here is I finally split from tradition and began using DIM for installation. It works so well I decided to buy some of the newer models. If the first Black November thing had worked I would have did a second. It is a great way to get a start on a collection or as they call it a bundle of related items. At least it's not a basket of fruit or other perishables.
Everyone have a Happy Bird Day and remember not to eat the green leafy stuff they toss on your plate. It is just for looks.
lol ... Have a great holiday :D
I am so glad it was you that responded. Before tonight I had no idea you existed and now, because we shared a similar but year old experience I have had the pleasure of viewing the works on your website. Most impressive! Your works and success are products of your imagination and creativity. Congratulations.
I do owe you an apology though. I tried to fear, love and obey, as I browsed your site, but ended up mostly smiling and nodding. Keep up the good work and consider a how to compilation book of your commercial works.
A how-to of my book cover projects? Would anyone really find that interesting? lol
I don't suppose you are familiar with my quote, are you? One of my favorite movies ever ... lol
Would that be Labyrinth? It was more fun teasing you. I do think there would be interest in the process of how you got from your first art creations to where you are today. The number of illustrations and covers you have created, the methods you used to make the selections for the more notable projects and how you gained recognition and success might interest more then you imagine. Then again our posts might only increase the hits to your website, which will get you a bit of the recognition for you efforts. Have a wonderful holiday season!
Sounds like a good Art Studio project to me.