Character Presets and DAZ Saves

Hi, to all Daz Members
I wanted to ask, something about the Daz Saves
also the character Saves
It seems i have saved many Characters but they don't show up in the content
there are 54 items in daz saves (folder) But show only 24? in DAZ Menue.
in DAZ Character Presets they don't show up, i have i have 42 Character saves( In Folder)
i'm a bit lost finding the ( Character Presets Saves) after i've saved them
thank you for any help and advice
it may be something simple
From: mal
Question: Did you save to a Default DS folder? They need to be in a DS folder to be in your List of files.
yes, i saved under save, daz folder
but maybe it's just me, i'm having trouble finding things.
content library
inside Daz "" Browse file location:
C:\Users\Malmaoo\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Presets\Poses
"Poses" 68 Thumbnails appear
Smart Content
if i first Delete Genisis figure then look Under Files: Unassigned
I find
5 Actor Thumbnails 7 Scene thumbnails
character saves
C:\Users\Malmaoo\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\character saves
DSON user files marked
( duf ) 27 files & 27 Thumbnail PNG
(dsf ) " DSON Support File (.dsf) " no picture or thumbnails.
C:\Users\Malmaoo\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\DazSaves
(here are the daz saves)
27 files daz folders
27 thumbnails PNG
C:\Users\Malmaoo\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio4\content\Material
2 duf & 3 dsf files
Okay One I see right off the Bat is the CharaterSaves is not inside the My Library Folder. Second the DAZSaves is under the My Library but not ONE of the Standard Folders. That Should Work okay not sure why its not. I never SAVE anything to any FOLDER that DS did not create it's Self. My Poses go into the Default Pose Folder.
thanks Jaderail,
i moved the character saves to the My : \My Library folder
but after that. things got messed up.
inside my library presets i created a new folder From inside daz folder for scene
started to save Scenes there instead .
they load ok too. but only the ones i newly created.
i honestly can't understand anything right now
i'm completly lost. so ive spent 2 or more days trying to understand the file system and what files do,
and where they are supposed to go.
but i don't understand it at all.
the daz folder daz created itself at least i thought it did.
but i don't know anything right now.
at the beginning i just saved as much as i could in the different file locations
because i did not want to loose what i was working on.
ie: poses, ....character saves....., daz saves,.... character presets, ..shape presets.
i don't know, if whats happening now.
1) if i go to the render " tab" . i can see all the cloths on the figure.
if i change it to "actors wardrobe & props" tab the top half of the cloths is missing and her eyes are gone.
the picture thumbnails and the figure that loads is not always the same.
2) the cloths are only visible in the render tab
3) loading basic female from my character save folder . i can only see skin texture and
eyes and face in render tab cloths are gone.
4) loading supersuit Bree Character I only get the supersuit
the figure inside the suit is missing.
5) wile loading the genisis figure ( i saved In dazsaves before ) Unable to find file
aldorahair .
in Render tab i can see all of the cloths and textures but the hair has no colure just looks Blank ( white )
6) i wanted to save a character preset ( this i had before i selected All ) and it let me do it,
but now, it does not let me save a Character preset.
message came up : you must select a TriAx Weight Mapped Figure
in the scene to save the character preset
my solution was this:
daz saves to the last folder i was in.
regardless of what kind of file it is.
so from now on, i must always make sure i save in the correct folder for the file type.
I moved the character saves folder to inside My Library Folder
now it's in the right place.
only problem is none of the original character saves would work right
so i ended up having to delete them all,
start again fresh.
now things seems to work again.
the poser saves seem to work.
sometimes it asks me to convert to triAx
because it's not a tiax file whatever that means?
for character saves.
cloths textures and eyes are only visible in Render TAB
i dont know why that is.
Oh.. Sorry, I forgot it saves in the Last Folder open in DS. That has been a practice for me for so long It slipped my mind. As for Saving as Character Preset it is only meant to save the Figure and the morphs not all that is on it, clothing hair and such. For Full Characters all dressed and ready to use I save as Scene File with nothing in it except my character. Then I use right click to merge them into my setting I want to use them in. In my Scene Folder I made a Characters Folder in both my real folder (My Library/Scenes/Characters) and in DS in the Scenes folder (Right Click then Make Sub Folder). And save to those folders.
I hope this Helps you some in the future.
thanks for the tip..
i wanted to say thank you very much for taking the time to read through all that stuff i posted!
Daz Is a little temperamental on files, sometimes it seems it has a mind of it's own.
it will remember a dress or item of cloths sometimes, or shoes.
other time its lost the character or just the Item of cloths shows.
i've lost quite a bit of work, some of the nicest Characters i was working on.
daz has Invisible strings which connect files together So it seems...
If you move a file to some other location ( i never tried it before But i found out the hard way!)
Files like daz-saves or character saves ( it's not like any other program i know of)
the files are related somehow
it's a tricky program to work with and not as easy as it looks.
the last thing i worried about was what associated files goes where,
i thought daz would save everything accordingly, What a big mistake on my part.
Daz Knows exactly what kind of file it is and what relates to it. ( but it must be kept in the same place!)
i got all sorts of problems, i looked at the Help Desk information just keeps telling me how great daz is,
and what it can do for me, but does not give a great deal of detail
( yes Information overload!!!! ) but finding the simple answers where are they kept?
in a secret achieve somewhere ?
searching to find the right Answers to really Simple questions.
information is missing from the website page... click to other webpages links don't open because they are old links.
not 1000 words.. keep it simple. Do that makes this!. item +morphs + genisis + supersute = result
simple tutorial on where to save things, or a simple diagram showing what files relate to which other files
who cares about smart content ? and meta data? i don't.
if there going to go over to meta data for items there should be a way of making
your own meta data !!! so the system remembers the cloths in the smart menue ( and it shows up)
i don't like when everything keeps flashing away
I know people might not agree with me on this.
makes life hard when it could be very easy.
I wish to god I had read this thread before. Had a base file corrupted in daz and had to reinstall everything. I renamed the old daz folder and installed everything like it was before, then tried to move the saved folder over. Since the names were the same I thought it would work. Not so much. Now I've got to recreate all my characters. Which just makes me wish I had kept notes on what morphs I used. ::sigh:: I guess saving in the folder it goes to was a mistake.
You're right--saving as a Character Preset will lead to unexpectedly poor results. But consider saving as a Scene Subset instead. This will allow you to select which items get saved, so you get everything attached to the character, for example, but nothing else; and you will be less likely to overwrite it by accident in the future.
Once I discovered Character Presets were worthless, I started saving one-character scenes. But what happens is, if you run on autopilot and begin a new project by loading the character first, when you hit Ctrl+S to save the scene, no Save dialog pops up; instead the full scene is saved over your carefully constructed character scene.
Now that I know about Scene Subsets, I can create a scene with a bunch of characters, so I can adjust relative heights and see how they go together, lights and cameras and all, then click on each character one at a time and save the Scene Subset for that character. Basically, Scene Subset does what you would've expected Character Preset to do.