v4++ Dial a Character Question.

I've been trying to dial up the nose of the Delphina Charactor (Blonde) on v4 ++ (Brun)

I would like to add just a little roundness, a small bit of bulbousness to the tip of the nose; but have yet to find a combination of dials that works for that.

Would appreciate a little guidance from anyone experianced dialing up faces, portraits with these morphs. Thanks for your time. BB.

1093 x 614 - 387K


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    I am assuming that the Delphina Character is also a V4 character (the screenshot shows that you have two V4's loaded)? I cannot tell which of the two are selected in the screenshot. In any event, when trying to recreate a character, whether from photo references or and existing model as you are, there are a couple of suggestions I would make. Everyone may approach things a little differently, of course, but the first thing I would do is lose the hair and the makeup too - they are irrelevant at best, and a distraction at worst. Since you are working with two models, I would load both in the zero or T pose at the origin. This will make it easier to judge proportions, since moving one or the other to the side will create distortion (i.e. in your example the proportions of the Delphina character seem larger because she is closer to the camera. While loading them both at the origin means one will obscure the other, you can toggle the visibility of one or the other in the Parameters tab for comparison. If the two characters are the same size i.e. no scaling has been used), with both at the origin their noses should be easier to match. As you work, be sure to use baby steps - avoid the tendency to crank those sliders up willy- nilly. You want to tweak your way to a match - a little of this here, a little of that there, rinse and repeat. Lastly, you should always be working in at least two views: one from the front and the other from the side, and always check back and forth between the two while working.

    I notice one problem right away in your screen shot: you have V4's nose tip up. The Delphina character does not. If anything, the latters nose tip may be slightly down.

     A couple of questions regarding your Delphina character. Is it a dialed morph? In other words with it selected are there dial settings showing for it under the Parameters tab? If so, you could simply copy the dial settings for the nose from one character to the other, making sure that you have V4 (or the nose, at least) zeroed to begin with.

  • TY much for your time and Guidance. : )

    The Delphina seems to be a "ZBrush" (or something like it) Morph.  Overall face is more Oriental than I would like for the toon I am working up. So I am trying to recreate the nose which is the only piece I absolutely want using the ++ Dials.

    I do maintain two Camera's in my charactor creator set, a Fixed Front view, and a mobile view; and click between the two; I've never been a big fan of the split sreen unless I am moving a camera on one view, to get a POV shot out of the other. Just a person preference, but overlaying the charactors as they get closer is definately an idea I would consider. I do tend to plug numeric values into a slider I might crank L-R and back to get a feel for the ranges; but yes I do like to walk a value in at the end; but getting just what I want especially out of Vics nose; has always been a bit of problem, and the shapping presets I have, most of them are just ugly. Definatly need to build a small library of my own.

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