render quits

On my desktop Mac, suddenly my renders quit after about 6 seconds - They didn't yesterday, and the DO render on my laptop.... Any ideas why?

thank you,




  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    DS general release or public beta?

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438


    In first instance I would assume the general public release, available on this site.

    2. He is rendering "CPU-only" and the system memory incl.  HD-cache is excceeded.

  • Thank you all. I AM running the general public Daz3D (4.9).... I'm REALLY new to this, but I recall CPU being checked (but I'm looking under Render Settings and can't find it again). I'm running an iMac i7 2.8 GHz with 16 gigs of RAM. Is there a better way to set up my renders?


    Thank you,



  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Hi Kurt,

    if you haven't checked it out, have a look at the video tutorials:

    If the render suddenly stops on your Mac, but works fine on other systems, there are a few things to check. First, right after the render crashes on you, check out the error log for messages. You'll find that in DAZ Studio under "Help--> Troubleshooting --> View Log File". The newest messages are at the end of the log file. If you can see an error message there, please post it.

    If your laptop has a bigger memory as your Mac (more than 16GB), what AndyS said is probably what happened. I usually get a message about "not enough memory" then, but I'm on a PC and Mac might be different.

    Just to make suire that there isn't another problem - if you render something different, say, just a single character from your scene, do you still get the crash, or does that work? If the single character also crashes, does the error happen with some random thing you load and try to render?

    If scene size is the problem, you have several options - buy more memory, or split up the scene into several "runs" where you render, for example, the background first, and then one or two characters, and then in another un some more characters. Another option is to reduce the texture sizes of characters in the background, switch off the HD on them, and also remove the normal maps from them. (And most likely, all of what I just talked about is alien landscape to you? wink)..

    As a rule of thumb, a single Genesis 2 character with HD, hair and clothing clocks in anywhere between 1.5-2.5 GB of memory usage. If you use this as a rough guide,  you can make a guess if the scene will render or not. Keep in mind, that, if Iray can't render on the GPU, it will throw the full scene size (and more, as some texture stuff inflates in size during the render) back to the CPU and its memory. So if your full scene is 7GB in size, and your system&programs need 2.5GB, you start out with 9.5GB. You think you're save with 16GB, but when the render starts, the 7GB would be loaded on top of the 9.5GB, leaving you with 16.5GB, and a system crash well before that.

  • Wow, thank you - What a concise answer. Both my i7 and laptop have 16 gigs of RAM. I had tried rendering a cylinder yesterday and the same thing happened. I don't know if it's 'crash' per say - it just doesn't render the image and stops after a few seconds (attached). I don't get any error message. Here's  what I get from the troubleshooting log:

    2016-27-06 09:27:10.127 WARNING: /src/pluginsource/DzIrayRender/dzneuraymgr.cpp(261): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER):   1.0   IRAY   rend error: Cannot render: found no usable devices.
    2016-27-06 09:27:10.127 Iray Render error: Invalid parameters (NULL pointer).
    2016-27-06 09:27:10.199 Saved image: /Users/macuser/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/Studio4/temp/render/r.png
    2016-27-06 09:27:10.205 Finished Rendering
    2016-27-06 09:27:10.435 Total Rendering Time: 0.91 seconds


    The WARNING is from an earlier render - The Finished Rendering is from the cylinder test. It says Finished Rendering, but my render screen is empty.

    It DID render fine a few days ago, and nothing really changed on my machine since then. I ordered a Daz book from Amazon and it should be in next week so that should help. I've just been poking around this past week with Daz and have been blown away by it. I use 3D with Element 3D the amazing plug-in for After Effects - that's really my only knowledge of 34D thus far (


    thank you!

  • HERE'S the screen grab!

    1353 x 1209 - 242K
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited November 2016

    Hi Kurt,

    The error message probably holds the solution.

    Go to your render settings, and select the "advanced" tab. Make sure that in "Photoreal Devices",  "CPU" is ticked. In my screenshot it's unticked, because the nVidea card is faster without the CPU. But if you have no device ticked at all (neither CPU nor GPU), then Iray doesn't know where to render.


    488 x 605 - 30K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Thank you, Bee - that was it! I HAD CPU checked at one time, but I guess I had inadvertantly unchecked it at some point. I was afraid that it was a conflict somewhere... Thanks again!

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