
in New Users
I've been trying to add lights to an indoor scene, but it ALWAYS comes out dark. I've used the default lights that come with the scene, dark. I've added point lights indoors and they don't even show up. Is there a special way to get lights to show up in a render?
thank you,
What scene? Are you rendering in Iray or 3Delight?
What product are you trying to use? Could you post a link, please?
Many of the older products come with lights that are for Poser or 3Delight. They will not render properly in Iray.
Also, the default light settings used in an Iray render are for outdoor bright sunny day. When you use them in the closed room, it is the same effect as if you enter the room with very dark sunglasses.
Thank you... Here's the link:
It comes with a camera/lights setup that I've tried. but still the room is very dark. I'm rendering in Iray (because I don't know any better). When I add lights inside the cabin, it's still dark.
thank you,