What has happened to my content in Daz

in New Users
I have had some issues with my machine and have been forced to install a new operating system. I can log into my account at Daz but cannot seem to find my product information. This was cotained at the top of the page and access to everything I had purchased was there. Now it doesnt seem to be. I have DS 4.9 but I prefer not to use the connect option and like to manually load things myself.
All i need to know is how to access my purchased ciontent from my account page, anyone help me please?
You hid it didnt you?
Its all still there but the way to get at it is hidden.
No need for any help now, in future all I need to do is ask a question and then, almost at once I find the answer myself!!
You didn't have two accounts or anything did you? You best bet at finding you account info is to contact the customer support people I think.
Are you saying you can't get to this page https://www.daz3d.com/customer/account