Asus GTX Titan 6gb 384 bit DDR5 question

Hi guys, I know that the Gtx 1070 and 1080 are still not compatible with current daz program, I'm just going to ask if the Asus GTX Titan 6 gb 384 bit DDR5 is already compatible and how good is it in rendering in iray? Thanks I'm also considering a Gtx 980 which I know is already compatible. :)


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited November 2016

    Actually, (while I can't answer your initial question) the current BETA works well with the new 10xx cards, though there seem to be some hiccups for certain hardware combinations.

    And also 10xx Benchmarks for Iray:



    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • BeeMKay said:

    Actually, (while I can't answer your initial question) the current BETA works well with the new 10xx cards, though there seem to be some hiccups for certain hardware combinations.

    And also 10xx Benchmarks for Iray:



    Hi beem by the way I have yet to try the blurring tutorial that you've posted, hmm where do you done load the beta?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited November 2016

    You first have to "purchase" it. Then install it through DIM, but to see it in DIM, you have to change the filter to show the "Public Build". See also the instruction for installation further down the product page.

    For further instructions and cautionary information, please check the first post of the thread about the Beta I posted above.

    About testing, hey, take your time. This isn't a race. smiley

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • BeeMKay said:

    You first have to "purchase" it. Then install it through DIM, but to see it in DIM, you have to change the filter to show the "Public Build". See also the instruction for installation further down the product page.

    For further instructions and cautionary information, please check the first post of the thread about the Beta I posted above.

    About testing, hey, take your time. This isn't a race. smiley

    May I know what GPU you are using beem? I've read forums about Titans here but I just wanted to make sure, don't want to buy something that's not compatible :)

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited November 2016

    I bought a GTX 980 Ti a few months ago when they had a blowout sale at my local PC store (at 399€).  I also upgraded from 16GB memory to 32GB memory. I thought about waiting for the new 10xx, but there was no say when DS would support them, so I opted for the 980Ti. On hindsight, it was a good decision, as I am still rendering in 4.8 a lot, and currently only the 4.9 Beta supports the 10xx cards. I doubt that older DS versions will ever be supported, though that would probably not be a concern for you.  

    Both, card and memory, were quite an investment, but I should be good for another 3 or 4 years of rendering (I hope!) before I have to invest some serious money into a new PC.

    But back to the cards... the TI has just 6GB of VRam, which isn't really a lot. Rule of thumb, a fully dressed and haired G2 character will need around 1.5-2GB of card memory. If you are using HD elements, or SubD, this number goes up even further. Add some detailed landscape or room setting to it, and you'll end up with around anywhere between 3.5-4GB for a very "simple" scene. I managed to fit up to 4 dressed&haired HD-G2 characters with just very basic landscape on my 980Ti, beyond that, it was back to CPU. And when you go back to CPU, the entire data sent to the GPU will be added to the data in your memory, basically doubling it. So a 6GB scene usually made my DS crash when I had 16GB memory.

    All that said... If you are just "trying out", I'd think twice before doing such an investment. Don't get lured in by faster render times when you know at the bottom of your heart that you'll drop this hobby in a few months time. 3D rendering can get a very cost-intensive hobby. 

    When I started out with rendering, I realized very soon that this is what I wanted to do, because rendering made me happy. I had to invest into a render system "from scratch" and decided on a custom built one rather than one of the ready made gaming boxes. Of course, I was very inexperienced when I did that, and made some mistakes, because I didn't really understand things. I still don't understand a lot of things, but I have learned and listened to the more experienced tech guys in the other parts of the forum, who offer invaluable information and insights. Just having a good card will give you a good headstart, but the rest of the system also needs to "fit".

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • Thanks for the advice beem :) by the way I've done the depth of field now :) thank you again for always replying with my forum questions :) I have yet to try the hair blending though lol I'll tell you if I've successfully done it :)

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