Please accept my sincerest appolgies for NOT reading first, My Bad

Hello again all you wonderful folks getting into 3d art (like me for the first time).  Just saw the install tab (brilliant idea).  My issue at first was that I though nothing was happening with all the products I had just downloaded, unfortunately I panicked as I stupidly though cyberspace have swallowed up my products, but those great software designers at DAZ incorporated that wonderful tab - which I saw two seconds ago, and all my gorgeous ladies being installed along with their weapons, etc.  Baby steps for me.  Remember we "dinosaurs" that have been using pencil and pen and ink for so long, take a while to come around, but with more on-line tutorials and your patience gang, some of my Scuba Wmn may be 3d soon.  Love you all, have an awesome night (or day depending on where you are).  XXOO


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    No worries, I think most of us have had some serious panic moments.  Sometimes its warranted, sometimes we just don't know what we are doing yet. I've had numerous, Oh my gosh what have I done and  how do I fix it ?!?! moments.  Thankfully, everyone has been very patient and some of them are down right saints lol!


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Have you checked out the updated video tutorials?

    Though I've ben using DS for a while, I still found them informative. smiley

    As for the "OMG what have I done?!". broken heart Been there, cursed the skies and done that. Countless times. coolwink

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