hair blending question

I don't know why daz is just so complicated for me to use that I don't even understand how to use a simple preset hair blending tool. I just hope that sellers will give instructions on how to use their products or contents because for new users like me I can't even make the tool work. I've put the hair, then chose a base color, then clicked th turn on button, chose a gradient style, chose a new color to be blended and it does not work. Tried different combinations of which buttons to click and it still does not work. Daz3d is a good program however for new users like me it's just too complicated to use that I need to always ask in forums what to do. Sorry guys if I ranted I just really find the program and the contents really difficult to use. I hope that you guys can still answer my question on how to blend the hair colors. By the way the hair is already showing in the figure and I've already selected the hair content but it really doesn't blend any colors.
The product comes with a detailed instruction manual:
It can be found in the "Readme" section of content directory on your computer. (/ReadMe's/33513_ootirayhairblendingtutorial.pdf according to the product's info page at )
You perhaps missed one of the steps, i.e. the "Apply first" before the base colour?
Hi beemkay thanks for always replying to my questions, I really appreciate it :) do you have an email or something so that I can easily ask questions if that's okay? I mean I don't want to flood the forums page with my questions lol. Regarding the hair blending, I did click the apply first button but alright I'll read the manual and try it again. :)
I'm not much of a mail person, and it's okay to ask questions in the forum - others might have the same question, or know an answer. The forum also allows images.
Welcome to Daz! I think we all felt a bit overwhelmed and frustrated when we first started! (okay I felt a LOT overwhelmed lol) Don't hesistate to ask questions most everyone here is more than happy to help. Also, come over and check out the new user contest and threads over there, its a great place to shorten the learning curve. You can find it here. There is a HUGE amount of stuff to learn but the effort is so worth it! Once you get the hang of this particular hair shader I think you will love it, and if you have more questions about there is a thread on it around here somewhere. I will see if I can track it down for you after dinner
Thank you for that :), I'll try the blending later :)
Okay here is the thread I was looking for, that should help with the hair blending.
Hi ice dragon :), when I click the thread it just goes on this thread
Click on the blue word here in Sonja's post.
I know that lol when I click the word here it directs me to this thread.
oh yes, so you do. oops, how silly of me
Well nuts how did that happen? I will try again lol. Might take a bit I'm at work right now.
Or maybe not so long - Try this link