Confused with hair morphs & where to find them in DS

I have used Poser for so long, I think I may just forgetting basics of DS. I'm confused enough by the product library and I think originally I was loading the item (lustrous hair) from the wrong place. So I found it under category hair, then in the smart content panel I loaded the figure. But under surface, in the same panel, it won't change the color. I have to go over to the surface editor panel to find the material and load it for it to work. Which I don't think I would have to do. Anyway, so my biggest question is, how do I get the morphs? I thought they should be under parameters, or even shaping or posing, but I can't find anything in the editor. I'm not sure if I need to reinstall it because something is wrong, or if I am just looking in the wrong place, but it clearly according to the product page should have morphs with it. Unless, did I maybe not install all the files or in the right place? I usually install for poser, so I don't know. Or maybe I shouldn't have used the categories and should find it under poser formats directly? I assume the categories thing is built automatically. Sorry for my ignorance; I need to use DS more!


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    Do you have a link for the hair.

    Some older hairs had the morphs in the neck of the hair and if its a Poser hair then you will find the mat presets in the poser library either under Poses or Materials, some older versions don't work in DS, you need to make sure that DS can see the poser library this can be set in- Edit>preferences>content Library>content directory manager.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    I don't know where in your content library the thumbnails might be, however some (not all) products allow you to view your content by product name as well as in the DAZ Studio native or Poser formats or your own custom categorization.  you might look there.  You could also pick a file and search for it to see where it is in your content library.


    Parameters might be split between the Shaping and Parameters panes, you'll need to look in both.  In Parameters, remember you are looking in whichever node you have selected, so if poses are in the hip and you are looking in the head or whatever you won't find them.  There is an "All" option in that pane you can select though.

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