PC Specifications Advice

in New Users
Hi guys! I'm still looking for other desktops that I'm interested to buy but I already found one that I think is decent? Can you guys tell me if this is a decent device for rendring not too fast but also not too slow using iray? Thanks
CPU: AMD FX 8350 8-core processor (4.0ghz)
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 290 (4GB)
I'm going to add more desktops in the comment section if I found other desktops that I'm interested in.
The GPU will not be useful for Iray, 8GB of system RAM is not generous.
GPU rendering with Iray requires the use of an Nvidia graphics card...
Gone are the days when 8 GB of RAM is anything close to adequate. I have several projects on hold until I can add some more RAM...32 GB is not too much these days.
So if there's no NVIDIA I should look for the RAM? In terms of size?
Intel Skylake Core i5-6200U UltraBook Processor (2.3-2.8GHz)
- 4GB Dedicated nVIDIA GeForce GTX 950m
- 6GB Total Intel HD Graphics 520
- 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz Memory
- 1,000GB HDD
- 15.6" Full HD 1080P LED
- Upto 5 Hours Battery Life
Processor: AMD FX-8370E Eight-core processor
PSU: Rave 500w
RAM: 2 x 8GB HyperX RAMs
Hard Disks: 2 x 500GB HDD
64 bit OS Windows 10
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 380 Series
Asus ROG Maximus 7 Ranger,
Intel i7 4790 3.6 to 4ghz,
Zotac GTX 970 4G,
Samsung SSD 256g,
Kingston hyperX single stick 8g ram (3 more slots on board for upgrade, Seasonic x series 850watts (enough for SLI upgrade)
Can you choose between these? By the way I'm only using Daz as a hobby also I'm not expecting to have a super fast rendering time, just a decent amount of time is okay for me like maybe t wont take hours just to render a simple scene with one figure with hairs, poses, and clothes.
If you want to render in less than hours and want to use Iray to render you need a Nvidia card with enough memory (on the card) to fit the scene in.
As for RAM 8 gigs really isn't enough, I have 16 and still struggle.
You might find this post by DAZ CS useful: https://helpdaz.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/207530513-System-Recommendations-for-DAZ-Studio-4
That said, for cards, if you want to render IRAY, only nVIDEA cards will work; 4GB is really bottom line. AMD cards will not work. At all. I used to have a GTX 660 with 2GB (which was bought before Iray showed up), and it held one single character. You might want to look into the new 10xx series, though; the 1060 has 8GB VRAM, and though it's currently only supported by the current Beta of DS 4.9.
Also, if you intend to render on CPU, keep in mind that a scene easily doubles in memory consumption when you start rendering in Iray. So a 4GB scene will end you up with 8GB consumption. A dressed Genesis with hair clocks anywhere between 1.5 and 3 GB, especially if you have SubD and HD tuned in.
I only recently upgraded from 16 to 32 GB, and though it was quite a chunk of money, I now experience less crashes and can render more than just two people with some landscape.
SSD is a real plus when it comes to loading content, but usually pretty expensive so...
For rendering in 3DL, the graphic cards are not important, but a fast processor with many cores is. Also, again, 8GB memory is not a lot.
And if you want to render using a laptop, keep in mind that having it on 100% CPU (or GPU) for hours, a lot of heat is created. If your laptop doesn't have proper airing and fans, you might run into a meltdown situation pretty fast.
EDIT: Added "cards" in the second paragraph sentence 2 to clarify that I was talking about AMD cards in regards to Iray.
System 3 is the best of those.
You will want to add a large capacity HDD to store all your DAZ content. It does not have to be an SSD and 'ordinary' drives are quite cheap.
AMD will render iray - just slowly.
As far as I am aware it is correct in th sense intended - the AMD GPU will not be used to render. The CPU will, of course, work - but more slowly than a GPU, as you say.
I was indeed talking about GPU, not CPU. I've fixed the sentence. Sorry for the confusion.
An AMD GPU cannot render Iray. It is completely and totally ignored by Iray, To Iray, it does not exist.