Mac: Problem Installing Contents

in New Users
Can you guys give guidelines on how to insatll contents on a mac? I've tried copy pasting the items on the my Daz 3D Library and when I open it in the content library in the Daz program I do find the items but theres always an error message saying missing files. Daz is just so complicated for me to use, so can you guys help me in installing contents? By the way I tried copy pasting the data, etc. on the main Daz Library and now the genesis, genesis 2, and genesus 3 figures are missing.
Have you installed the Genesis Starter essentials, Genesis 2 Starter Essentials, Genesis 3 Starter Essentials from your product library? They are part of the DAZ Studio Pro package. Have you considered using DIM (DAZ Installation Manager) instead of manual install? It makes things a lot easier.
A screenshot of your Content Directory Manager Entry and the location / top directories of you instaled content would be helpful.
Have you made sure that the folders you are installing to are also set as folders in the Cintent Directory Manager under DAZ Format and Poser Format content?
This image is for DS 4.8, but except for the Connect folder, it should still be the same for DS 4.9. Here you can see where you can find the Contend Directory Manager. The folders you see are the folders where I installed my content, so your entries would be depending on where you have installed things.
I made a small tutorial for installing "external" content in DS; it's for PC and DS 4.8, but it should basically work the same on a MAC (I hope):
Also, if you are very new top DS, these tutorial videos might help:
Hi thanks for replying, I'll watch your vids and try it later. What I did now is just delete the entire Daz stuff and redownload and reinstall everything becauase what happened was when I tried to move the other downloaded contents to the Daz library instead of merging it it replaced the data thats why the genesis 2 and genesis 3 files got deleted. Im'm redownloading it and then I'll watch your videos and comment here again if ever thanks for replaying by the way