Morph editing


I've been looking around the forum and various tutorial for this.

Is there a way to modify a morph so that it does not affect all the vertices it was design to.  For example, changing the bodubuilder morph so that only the lower body is affected or only one half of the figure.  I'd like to have a figure that looks asymmetrical.

Thank you




  • Yes, though obtaining a smooth transition may be tricky and you may need to adjust the rigging. To remove some vertices from one or more morphs, make them favourites by clicking the heart icon on the slider, then use the Geometry Editor tool to select the vertices (or select polygons and then convert to a vertex selection) - use the right-click menu to set the selection mode adn convert a selection between types. Once you have the morphs set as favourites and the vertices selected right-click with the Geometry Editor tool and use Morph Editing>Remove Selected Deltas from Favourites.

    Another approach is to export the morphed mesh as OBJ (at base resolution), then load with Morph Loader Pro and - having selected the file to load and expanded the options - using the Attenuate options, with Overwrite Existing set to Deltas Only or Deltas and ERC if the rigging is going to need adjusting. Attentuate can use a weight map, incl;uding one you create especially for the job on a DFormer, which may help with getting a smooth result.

  • ZaarZaar Posts: 3

    Thank you! 

    Option number 1 works independently though I understand now when you say a smooth transition might be an issue.  But I notices that the modification has effect outside of the favorites scope.  If I save the project, will the morph modification be permanent or just affect that scene?  I'm guessing that I'll have to work on option 2 in order to make that morph stand alone a to be able to save it independently for future use?  I'll look around the web for instruction on how to use the morph loaded pro.

    Very helpful Richard, thanks again.





  • Changes made and not saved as a morph asset should be local, affecting only that scene.

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