No-one knows. Based on previous generations it's generally thought unlikely to be before the middle of next year, butt hat doesn't prove anything. If and when it is does appear there is bound to be a period when new content for the Genesis 3 figures is still being released (and on past history the male will probably not appear at all for several months), and of course it will take time for a new figure to get the range of support items that an established figure has. Whether this is a good time dpends on your priorities - the Genesis 3 figures certainly now have a wide range of support options, so in that sense I would say yes.
No-one knows. Based on previous generations it's generally thought unlikely to be before the middle of next year, butt hat doesn't prove anything. If and when it is does appear there is bound to be a period when new content for the Genesis 3 figures is still being released (and on past history the male will probably not appear at all for several months), and of course it will take time for a new figure to get the range of support items that an established figure has. Whether this is a good time dpends on your priorities - the Genesis 3 figures certainly now have a wide range of support options, so in that sense I would say yes.
Enough of the vendors and artists have adopted G3 to make it currently worth it. I do suspect that a new generation will be released with the major version release of DAZ 5 which is the next DAZ release. a Huge version number change like that means huge changes and improvements.That is pure speculation from my part. But adoption to that will be slow. DAZ Horse hasnt seen a new version in quite sometime so that may also get a new generation before they move on to G4.
G3 is certainly at hight of popularity and it does cost time, energy and money for people to move onto a new generation properly. So far G3 is even more popular at the moment than some of the previous generations. I've seen interesting releases for it that no other generation has got from some artists which is cool. Hopefully G3 will stick around for a few more years before they discontinue her.
I would love to think that we have at least one more year of Genesis 3 ahead of us!
Also, it would be great if Daz considered discount for Victoria 8 based on how many Genesis 3 characters you own for example to make the transition to new generation easier for loyal customers : )
I would love to think that we have at least one more year of Genesis 3 ahead of us!
Also, it would be great if Daz considered discount for Victoria 8 based on how many Genesis 3 characters you own for example to make the transition to new generation easier for loyal customers : )
Agreed, DAZ does seem to reward customers who own a good amount of their base models. I bought some G2 stuff and got discounts for G3 base models so hopefully they keep that trend. Also like with G3 and G2. Most of the content does work with both generations so hopefully with a newer gen they do the same. So we should be able to still use all the G3 stuff off the bat with a newer generation.
I also forgot to mention. The following products helped a lot when i adopted G3 early and content was limited. So much I still actively use these with almost every scene. You'll be able to wear most of G2 stuff off the bat with G3 with little to no adjustments. As G2 wasn't aimed for Iray and G3 is. Some of the items you will need to run Uber Base Shader over and maybe edit the surface a bit to get the correct shader look for the wearables. G1 stuff you will be able to also use a good amount of their invesntory. Ultimately you can also use some of the vast Iray Shader packs for metals, materials and just inject it over the none Iray surfaces of products you wish to use. voila. Those packs are dirt cheap in the PC+ membership.
Excellent tools I highly recommend is Wear Them All and Fit Control for G3. These products have brought a lot of V4/M4 stuff back from locker for me. Provided there are some minor issues where the low poly material in some places dont work well in the high poly areas of G3. But all in all is you avoid clothing that attached to highly strechable areas such as innner thighs then you should be able to use old stuff no problem. V4 Shoes is also a problem but very much possible. I have brought quite a few stuff over from V4 to G3 (See last recomendation on the possibility).
Star 2.0. This gives G3 an auto fit ability to wear old original Star wardrobe. Very excellent. I bought tons of old Star stuff that was on sale at Daz, Rendo, Hivewire and RDNA and use them on G3. Certainly go over to RDNA and grab the clearance sale of Star stuff when you go down this path. Stuff is very cheap now as DAZ will be closing that store shortly T_T RIP RDNA...and my stuff that wasn't transferred... 8 (
V4 for G2, G2 for G3. This will be a awesome tool to use if you have a good amount of V4 inventory. You basically morph G2 to V4 then use transfer utility to bring your V4 stuff to G2. From there you can either just autofit it to G3 or Transfer it again to G3 with the G2 etc. This very quickly explained but there are quite a lot of tutorials out there at the current moment that will tell you how to do this correct.
the major version release of DAZ 5 which is the next DAZ release
Where did you get that from? There have been no announcements on DS 5 release made yet, beside the fact that they'll switch to version 5 the day they need a big SDK update...
I've read some posts where people said "well, we're at 4.9 so obvioulsy next version is 5.0", but version numbers are not decimals. DAZ could produce 4.10, 4.11 and a many other 4.x versions before we get to DS5.
No-one knows. Based on previous generations it's generally thought unlikely to be before the middle of next year, butt hat doesn't prove anything. If and when it is does appear there is bound to be a period when new content for the Genesis 3 figures is still being released (and on past history the male will probably not appear at all for several months), and of course it will take time for a new figure to get the range of support items that an established figure has. Whether this is a good time dpends on your priorities - the Genesis 3 figures certainly now have a wide range of support options, so in that sense I would say yes.
That's what I wanted to hear, thanks :)
Enough of the vendors and artists have adopted G3 to make it currently worth it. I do suspect that a new generation will be released with the major version release of DAZ 5 which is the next DAZ release. a Huge version number change like that means huge changes and improvements.That is pure speculation from my part. But adoption to that will be slow. DAZ Horse hasnt seen a new version in quite sometime so that may also get a new generation before they move on to G4.
G3 is certainly at hight of popularity and it does cost time, energy and money for people to move onto a new generation properly. So far G3 is even more popular at the moment than some of the previous generations. I've seen interesting releases for it that no other generation has got from some artists which is cool. Hopefully G3 will stick around for a few more years before they discontinue her.
I would love to think that we have at least one more year of Genesis 3 ahead of us!
Also, it would be great if Daz considered discount for Victoria 8 based on how many Genesis 3 characters you own for example to make the transition to new generation easier for loyal customers : )
Agreed, DAZ does seem to reward customers who own a good amount of their base models. I bought some G2 stuff and got discounts for G3 base models so hopefully they keep that trend. Also like with G3 and G2. Most of the content does work with both generations so hopefully with a newer gen they do the same. So we should be able to still use all the G3 stuff off the bat with a newer generation.
I also forgot to mention. The following products helped a lot when i adopted G3 early and content was limited. So much I still actively use these with almost every scene. You'll be able to wear most of G2 stuff off the bat with G3 with little to no adjustments. As G2 wasn't aimed for Iray and G3 is. Some of the items you will need to run Uber Base Shader over and maybe edit the surface a bit to get the correct shader look for the wearables. G1 stuff you will be able to also use a good amount of their invesntory. Ultimately you can also use some of the vast Iray Shader packs for metals, materials and just inject it over the none Iray surfaces of products you wish to use. voila. Those packs are dirt cheap in the PC+ membership.
Excellent tools I highly recommend is Wear Them All and Fit Control for G3. These products have brought a lot of V4/M4 stuff back from locker for me. Provided there are some minor issues where the low poly material in some places dont work well in the high poly areas of G3. But all in all is you avoid clothing that attached to highly strechable areas such as innner thighs then you should be able to use old stuff no problem. V4 Shoes is also a problem but very much possible. I have brought quite a few stuff over from V4 to G3 (See last recomendation on the possibility).
Star 2.0. This gives G3 an auto fit ability to wear old original Star wardrobe. Very excellent. I bought tons of old Star stuff that was on sale at Daz, Rendo, Hivewire and RDNA and use them on G3. Certainly go over to RDNA and grab the clearance sale of Star stuff when you go down this path. Stuff is very cheap now as DAZ will be closing that store shortly T_T RIP RDNA...and my stuff that wasn't transferred... 8 (
V4 for G2, G2 for G3. This will be a awesome tool to use if you have a good amount of V4 inventory. You basically morph G2 to V4 then use transfer utility to bring your V4 stuff to G2. From there you can either just autofit it to G3 or Transfer it again to G3 with the G2 etc. This very quickly explained but there are quite a lot of tutorials out there at the current moment that will tell you how to do this correct.
Where did you get that from? There have been no announcements on DS 5 release made yet, beside the fact that they'll switch to version 5 the day they need a big SDK update...
I've read some posts where people said "well, we're at 4.9 so obvioulsy next version is 5.0", but version numbers are not decimals. DAZ could produce 4.10, 4.11 and a many other 4.x versions before we get to DS5.