How do I install daz content fresh?
When I first started I installed a bunch of free stuff I got mostly from cgshare but other places as well. My ssd drive quickly filled up and I went through the process of moving my content and daz stuff to a large drive. Now I've purchased tons of daz stuff. DIM says almost 2000 files. My folders are an absolute mess because I did not know what I was doing when I first started, and I would like to start fresh. I want to save the daz folder as a backup (until I'm sure everything is working) and reinstall all my daz content. I already tried to force DIM to start the download and install process by renaming my content folder, but that did not work. I'm not sure which folder DIM looks at that makes it think the folders need to be reinstalled. I figured this all out months ago when I did not want DIM to reinstall, but I've slept since then. I tried to find the info in the forums but drew a blank. Maybe the wrong keywords??? Anyway here are my questions...
Has anyone else done this and can it be done safely without breaking daz?
What specific files do I need to rename?
Do I need to move the files too or can I just do a rename until time to delete?
Is there anything I should never delete?
If I do this will the scenes I've saved be permanently broken?
Thanks ahead of time for answers. I have been using daz for almost a year and still feel like a noob.
Try using google search.
Not sure if this answers your questions:
Here's DIM's user guide:
But you'll have to tweak your DIM and CM entries, telling DIM the new location where it has to install the files. That can be a different directory from the free stuff you are using.
Then you have to add the directory in the Content Manager Directories as an entry in both, DAZ Studio and Poser content.. This is a screenshot from 4.8; 4.9 also has the Cloud directory to think of.
If you start changing folder names, your saved up files probably will no longer find the content, if the changes happen below the top directory level that DS knows..
Thanks! It took me a while but I made my way through all of that, plus did more google searching. Is there a way to change the manifest file location? I had unwittingly tried to move it once and it looks like DIM just rebuilt it again. It's not massive, 49mb, but I'd really prefer it be on the other drive. In reading through the pages you posted plus a few more I see that noby is really addressing how to delete and reinstall the DAZ content folder. Renaming it caused the items to be missing in the DAZ program, however DIM still thinks they are installed. DAZ knows they are supposed to be there but can't find them. So I get the lovely missing item icon instead. I have the installer files still so it should not be difficult for the DIM to reinstall everything after I delete it. I could just go through and manually uninstall each item but that would take almost 2000 clicks just to uninstall. I tried it out with just one item just now and it made me redownload it also. I really do not want to have to redownload all of those. I cringe to think how long that might take.
Can you please post the following things:
DIM-Settings for installations.
Actual file location where you DID install your content. Content Directory Manager entries? I'm a bit confused as to what you are actually doing there...
In any case, the manifest folder is here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles
My DIM is set to
*install to Respective "installed" Paths
recommended DAZ studio/poser content folder -- C:/Users/Public?Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
daz content -- H:/My Content
H drive daz -- H:/daz/My DAZ 3D Library
Current is H drive daz
My content is at H:\daz\My DAZ 3D Library
I'm sorry, I must not be explaining accuratly.
I initially installed it to the default location on C drive but moved it to H drive and almost everything works fine. I do not need the interactive lessons that no longer work.
Yes I have found the manifest file and I have a duplicate of it on H drive as well. Might as well delete the duplicate.
What I want to do is remove all the 3rd party products from the H:\daz\My DAZ 3D Library folder. The only way I know to do that is to delete all the installed content and let DIM reinstall it. However, I experimented by renaming the My DAZ 3D Library to see if DIM would notice that it was missing and try to reinstall the content. It still thinks it is there although DAZ itself does not. After I get all the daz content (that is actually bought from daz) reinstalled,I want to set up separate folders for cg share, most, and renderosity. This way all the random stuff that does not work can be removed as it is installed and the stuff is grouped according to liscensing. I use daz to make images for book covers and can not risk creating something that might not be properly liscensed. Does that make sense?
Sorry for so many edits of this. I had several interuptions while I was trying to write this and also the font is extremely tiny in this box. It makes it difficult for me to see what I'm writing.
DIM does not look for the content to see what is isntalled (or what needs updating) as that would be very slow - isntead it goes by the manifest files (in Public Documents/Daz Install Manager/Manifests by default, as I recall).
Thanks Richard. That makes everything make sense. Now I know what I need to do.