Where to put Third party content for 4.9?

I read that I should put the individual folders into Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/...

I did that but don't see the characters. I notice there is a 3rd party content folder. Might they go there?




  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Can you go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, expand the DS-formats and Poser-formats sections, and post a screenshot?

    When you say you put the individual folders, what was the top-level folder in the zip called?

  • jenniferhugheyjenniferhughey Posts: 404
    edited October 2016

    Here's my daz screenshot. Lemme post a screenshot of the windows tree too.



    daz 3.JPG
    1421 x 855 - 162K
    Post edited by jenniferhughey on
  • I put my characters one in the My library MDD Annora, and one in the my library/3rd party content, and neither one shows up in the program..

    daz tree1.JPG
    911 x 330 - 49K
    daz files 2.JPG
    907 x 665 - 125K
  • You don't want the third entry under Daz Studio Formats - that's a nested content directory (one inside another) and can cause confusion. You need to merge the content from the zip (the Data, Runtime, and any other folders at the same level - such as People) with the ones thata re laready in the My Library folder.

  • thanks, for some reason it works now,and I moved the file with the rest..maybe the program needed a restart after I set up the links to tell it where my content was. thanks!!

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