Minimum requeriments for daz interface?

in New Users
I don't need to render. I need a pc to use the daz interface. I need to run it smoothly. It's enough with a dual core and 8 ram? There is a big difference between a ssd and hdd while using daz?
Here's the official minimum requirements (don't get mislead by the 2013 post date, it was updated):
However, that includes renderings, so... If you just want to show the interface, it should be sufficient, as long as you haven the OpenGL 1.6 compatible graphics card with at least 128 MB RAM (Hardware accelerated OpenGL 2.2, or higher, compatible recommended with 512MB RAM), which DS requires for the display. So you'd have to check if the on board graphic card can handle this.
Ah, and you also would need some drivespace; if you install all three Genesis starter packs, they are one GB total.
SDD and HDD makes a difference in how fast you can load your content. When my 2TB HDD bit the bullet last month, I replaced it with a HSDD, which loads often used files into the SDD area of the drive. It has increased loading times considerably, and I also run into the "oops, I open DS and there's no content display?!?" problem. If I had the money, I'd have both the content and the system&program, on SSD. As it is, I have the system&program on SSD, and the content on aforementioned HSDD.
If you want a real "top notch" Iray render system, here's the recommendation from the DAZ people:
EDIT: I forgot to mention... the RAM you have in your system determines the size of the scenes you can load. One haired and dressed Genesis figure counts to roughly 1GB memory usage. You also have the "base system load", which is around 2.6-3.5 GB (system, program and whatever else goes in there). So in an 8GB memory you can have around 1-2 people with maybe landscape and props.