Genesis Iron Mask / Helmet

Hi all,
I'm looking for a good 'Man in the Iron Mask' style item for Genesis. Ideally some kind of rough iron / metal mask or helmet, ideally fairly intimidating looking. Good example would be a Dr. Doom style helmet or something similar.
Most of the historical and fantasy models I have seen either don't work well with Genesis, or are more of a stylized helmet than a simple mask or square helmet.
I'm still looking for a good recommendation on this. Ideally, some kind of helmet or mask that covers the face and possible the entire head. Particuarly something a bit rough looking.
For an example, I'm thinking a 'Man in the Iron Mask' look.
Or a Dr. Doom look...
Anyone have any ideas for a product that might work?
Joequick made a fantastic Doctor Doom outfit for M4, the mask was a prop I beleive so you could easily use it with Genesis. It was first rate work and he shared it on ShareCG here: Joequick's Doctor Doom Outfit
Wow, that looks awesome. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
Where I get genesis iron mask?
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