New User Contest Revamp Discussion



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Tynkere said:

    Don't like the idea of competing either, but I suppose that is part of it if want to make it past editors. devil

    My background is photography since 1979 & photoshop, and layout & design since about 1994.  Hardly "new" except for 3D.  Been at DS six weeks.  (Well, they were showing Poser 3 at a workshop back in late 90s, but dismissed it.  "3D?  What for?  Be gone in a couple of years."  Famous last words!  laugh

    Anyway, in looking at past contests, notice others have been at DS for a year!  That's more experience, and they've had time to add more resources.  Expecting to "compete" in such a situation would be pointless.

    OTOH, participants' experience is invaluable for a total novice & questions.  "How do I...?  Where can I find items for...?"  

    Have always gotten a quick reply so far. yes

    A suggestion though, or feedback from newcomer.

    Why not bring back the idea of 1st, 2nd, 3rd place & Honorable Mention?  As another member suggested, explain why a piece was picked.  "We thought this was the best demonstration of (challenge) because.... A B & C.  Gives us an idea what judges or editors might be looking for.

    In October, I had a look at everyones work and found myself curious.  Wonder what the results will be?  Lot of work went into these and they all have their merits.  Hate to have to make the call! 

    Instead, October just got a "Contest Closed. Good job everyone."

    That's it?  I mean after all that time & effort-- that's it!

    Maybe just human nature, but was expecting a bit more.  Sort of disappointing.  I wanted to see who got selected & why. 

    So perhaps a name change.  Call it "New User Lessons Clinic" or "New User WIPs" or something.  No competition, and no expectiations that CVs are going to pick the top 4 or so.

    Hope that made sense, & sorry if long.  Thanks for reading!


    Bruce, it takes several days for the challenge to be evaluated after it is closed. Results will be posted soon, I'm sure. smiley

  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834

    Ah. Takes time.  Can well imagine!

    Thanks for patient & diplomatic reply. 

    As a moderator can you delete my post?  Had thought they'd changed the format, but silly mistake on my part.   No sweat if it 'disappears.'  ; )

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Tynkere said:

    Ah. Takes time.  Can well imagine!

    Thanks for patient & diplomatic reply. 

    As a moderator can you delete my post?  Had thought they'd changed the format, but silly mistake on my part.   No sweat if it 'disappears.'  ; )

    I'm not a powerful moderator, but only a lowly community volunteer LOL. I can't delete posts. I think your post is fine, though.
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330

    There is no need to remove the post.

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