gibberish in description

in New Users
When I hover over anything that I have made as a scene or scene subset, I get a lot of gibberish asian characters. How do I go about resolving the removal of such gibberish from the information window?
What version of DS are you using? What system (Win/Mac)?
PC, 4.8
Is it a recent thing? I have no problems with saving subsets, and they give out a readable text... Are you still using Valentina Database, or PostgreSQL?
Studio 4.8 originally used Valentina database management software, with PostgreSQL being optional.
Bee is asking if you switched.
i have no idea, therefore i would say, no? unless something was switched without me knowing it. I dont really mess with anything in the way of settings so I would have no way of knowing.
Open Task will show either several instances of Postgre or (I can't remember the exact name) Content Management Service...
There is 1 instance of content management server and 7 instances of postgre sql server active in my task manager
Your Authorship info, or the Authorship info of the file's creator, is probably corrupt. If it's yours you can update it in Edit>Preferences.
Thanks, that seems to be it.