Character Content Compatibility Chart

in New Users
Hi relatively new to DAZ. I have noticed that there is zillions of content out there... and many characters. How does all this fit together? It seems chaotic and overwhelming to me at this time. Has anyone made a chart that helps new users understand which characters are which version of Genesis? Ex: Michael, Victoria, etc. Which character content compatibility aspects are built into Daz for the characters and what are the extra packages to buy to help content fit more than one character?
That's a bit out of date.
For most of the Daz-made characters and a handful of others, there's a simple way to tell: look at the number after the name.
Victoria 5, Michael 5, and all the other fives are for the original Genesis.
Victoria 6 and all the other female sixes are for Genesis 2 Female; Michael 6 etc are for Genesis 2 Male.
Victoria 7 and all the other female sevens are for Genesis 3 Female; Michael 7 etc are for Genesis 3 Male.
Lower numbers are older than the Genesis line, and are not recommended these days unless you have a particular reason for using them.
For the non-numbered characters, you'll just have to check the product page to see which figure they're for.
Any content made for one of the Genesis figures should work reasonably well with all the characters for that figure, though it will work best for the ones it has custom morphs for - these are generally listed in the product description.
Thank You
Thx Murgatroyd, scriech.